
Showing posts from February 20, 2014

Join us in Celebrating Excellence in Supportive Housing at our Conference

Award winners announced for CSH Eastern Region Supportive Housing Conference Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser .

CoCs Invited to Apply for SOAR TA

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR) Technical Assistance Center is accepting applications from Continua of Care (CoCs) that have not yet participated in the federally sponsored SOAR Technical Assistance Program. SAMHSA’s SOAR program assists states and localities to expedite access to the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) disability programs -- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) -- for persons who are homeless or at risk for homelessness and who have a mental illness, a co-occurring substance use disorder or other serious medical condition.  Currently, all 50 states participate in the federally sponsored SOAR technical assistance (TA). CoCs are invited to submit a brief, 3-5 page application in response to the Request for Applications (RFA) to participate in the SOAR TA Project by March 10, 2014. A message of interest and intent to file