LSA Export Update
LSA Export Update HUD has announced the extension of LSA export re-submissions to April 22nd, 2019 . Vendors have until April 18th, 2019 to update the code with any relevant changes. Abt acknowledges that this provides our customers with a limited submission window and they will be evaluating whether or not they need to extend the submission window again. Abt recommends that our customers review the non-vendor errors/warnings in their flag files to determine what fixes, if any, are needed and then resubmit the file to get the errors cleared. Abt does not recommend that customers wait for vendors to make their changes before fixing any non-vendor errors/warnings. WellSky will be reviewing the LSA export code sections for transitional housing counts, RRH information and Housing Move-In Date information based upon information seen in the LSA flag files that we received from our customers. Once ...