URGENT: Code of Conduct
FYI: If your name as a Project Applicant is NOT on the list below, you must submit a current Code of Conduct prior to entering into a grant agreement with HUD in response to the next NOFA. HUD's competitive funding Notice of Funding Availability (NOFAs) contain the requirement that an applicant must provide a copy of their Code of Conduct prior to entering into an agreement with HUD. Failure to provide a copy of an organization's Code of Conduct will prohibit applicants from receiving HUD funding. The Code of Conduct: 1. Must prohibit the solicitation and acceptance of gifts or gratuities by officers, employees, and agents for their personal benefit in excess of minimal value; 2. Outline administrative and disciplinary actions available to remedy violations of such standards, 3. Describe the method to be used to ensure that all officers, employees and agents of the organization are aware of the Code of Conduct, and 4. Must be writte