
Showing posts from May 15, 2015

What It Takes To Lift Families Out Of Poverty

May 15, 2015 4:51 AM ET More than 1 million people in Peru earn less than the equivalent of about $450 each year. Courtesy of Michael Rizzo/CGAP Eighteen years ago, Dean Karlan was a fresh, bright-eyed graduate student in economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He wanted to answer what seemed like a simple question: "Does global aid work?" Karlan says. He was reading a bunch of studies on the topic. But none of them actually answered the question. "We were tearing our hair out reading these papers because it was frustrating," he says. "[We] never really felt like the papers were really satisfactory." One problem was that no one was actually testing global aid programs — methodically — to see if they really changed people's lives permanently. "They haven't been taking the scientific method to problems of

News Alert: Conference Registration to Close Soon

A lliance O nline  N ews View in browser Friday, May 15, 2015 spotlight on... News Alert: Just 75 Slots Remaining for Conference Registration With just 75 slots left for conference attendees, the Alliance now anticipates that registration for the 2015 National Conference on Ending Homelessness in Washington, DC will soon reach capacity. If you have not yet registered for the conference, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. The regular registration rate of $575 per person is scheduled to run to 3 p.m. EDT on Friday, June 26, but will close early if the event reaches capacity before that date.

FY 2015 CoC Program Registration – 3 Days Left

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . FY 2015 CoC Program Registration – 3 Days Left Submission Deadline: Monday, May 18, 2015 at 7:59:59 PM EDT. As of 9:00 AM EDT, today, May 15, 2015, 258 Collaborative Applicants have submitted the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Registration in e-snaps. 61 CoCs have not gone into e-snaps to begin the Registration process – these CoCs have not registered the “Funding Opportunity,” which is the first step required to access the registration forms. These CoCs are listed as “ Not Started .”   5 CoCs have registered for the Funding Opportunity, but have not started filling out the Re