
Showing posts from July 26, 2014

Housing First and Rapid Re-Housing Webinar Video Available

Housing First & Rapid Re-Housing Webinar Video and Slides Available   The  U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness  (USICH) and the  U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development  (HUD) recently hosted "Core Principles of Housing First and Rapid Re-Housing," a webinar designed for homelessness service providers, communities, and policymakers to understand the core components of the Housing First approach and the Rapid Re-Housing model and how both work together to help end homelessness. As promised, here are the video of the recording and slides from the presentation, as well as the Housing First Checklist referenced in the webinar. Let us know if you have an


Hello All, I hadn't seen any message regarding folks meeting up at NAEH next week.  I haven't had a chance to listen to the most recent recording and was wondering if there is a plan to meet up next week. Thanks, Stacey

[MARHMIS] FW: Thank You!!!

Greetings! A colleague and I were contacted by an amazing and driven high school student who is working on a project called "The Last Generation Project." To boil down the conversations she and I have had: the point of this project is to encourage the next generation of minds to embrace and continue the work of ending homelessness that we have all been doing. It's called "The Last Generation project" because of the desire for her generation to be the last generation to ever have to address homelessness in this country. She has asked for feedback so that they can put together information that helps steer her generation toward this goal and even toward pursuing this as a career. Naturally, I wanted to encourage her; however, I did present the caveat that if I pass this out to all of you, the response could be a bit more than she bargained for. As you can see in her response below, that knowledge didn't faze her a bit. So… I'm hoping that all of y

[MARHMIS] FW: Job Posting

Good afternoon.  Please post this position – Research Analyst I – on the MARHMIS website. Please do not hesitate to contact me if any questions. Thank you. Susan Olubi Mayor's Office of Human Services City of Baltimore 7 East Redwood Street, 5 th Floor Baltimore, MD 21202 Phone: 410-396-7543 Fax: 410-539-1091 Email is preferred

SNAPS In Focus: Why Housing First

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . SNAPS In Focus: Why Housing First Welcome to the first message in our new “SNAPS In Focus” series. As you may remember, last year we preceded the annual NOFA with a series of Weekly Focus Messages  aimed at providing Continuums of Care (CoCs), grantees, and other stakeholders additional information and insight behind our policy priorities in order to help communities make tough decisions and to encourage change at the system level. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback and will be continuing that method of communication beginning this summer, although t