
Showing posts from April 26, 2017

SP5 HUD Canned CoC APR Report and Multiple Providers

SP5 HUD Canned CoC APR Report and Multiple Providers HUD provided information that indicated Sage would be able to merge together multiple CSV uploads when a grantee has more than one provider set up in HMIS for a single APR submission. We have learned that this was a misunderstanding in communication and some projects will need to use a "Reporting Group" to submit a "combined" APR to HUD. Our Industry Compliance Officer is currently working with SP DEV to determine how best to generate the information needed in Question 4a which has limitations per HUD export specifications. We will let you know once we've updated the CoC APR to be able to handle multiple providers. In the interim, to assist in trouble-shooting issues, we recommend first running the APR on each individual provider and reviewing the data before reviewing the data for a "combined" APR. Please contact your CCA if you have further questions. Mediware Inf

FY 2017 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Registration Process: 6 Calendar Days Before the Deadline

The registration deadline is 8:00 PM Eastern Time (ET) Monday, May 1, 2017 . Registration submission must be received in e-snaps on or before the registration deadline. Failure to submit a registration in e-snaps by the deadline will result in the Collaborative Applicant being unable to access the FY 2017 CoC Consolidated Application, which includes the project applications for reallocated projects, permanent housing bonus projects, renewal projects, CoC Planning projects, and Unified Funding Agency (UFA) costs. Consequently, the Collaborative Applicant will be unable to apply for funds. Therefore, it is imperative that all Collaborative Applicants meet this registration deadline. As of 8:00 AM EDT today, April 26, 2017: 138 CoCs have not completed the first step of registration, which is registering for the funding opportunity, that will allow the Collaborative Applicant to move to the second step of making the registration forms visible for data entry and completion.