
Showing posts from September 11, 2017

Register Today: Buying Right CDBG-DR and Procurement: A Guide to Recovery Webinar - September 19, 2017 - 1:00 PM EDT

This webinar will focus on procurement requirements for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery programs. This webinar will cover the latest procurement guidance under the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance as provided in 2 CFR Part 200. Participation is highly encouraged. Participants will learn: Roadmap of the procurement process Procurement methods for different types of goods and services Best practices to ensure compliance with the Uniform Guidance requirements Common pitfalls in procuring goods and services by grantees Who Should Attend? This webinar is designed for all CDBG and CDBG-DR grantees, especially staff charged with purchasing goods and services. Webinar Schedule: Series Date and Time Registration Buying Right: CDBG-DR and Procurement A Guide to Recovery September 19, 2017 1:00 - 2:30 PM EDT Registration Hosted By: The Department of Housing and

HTF Monthly Report as of 8/31/17 Now Posted

HUD is now posting the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Deadline Compliance Status Reports. These monthly reports assist grantees and HUD Field Offices in monitoring compliance with the 2-year commitment requirement of the HTF statute and the 5-year expenditure requirement of the HTF regulations. The current report is now posted on the HUD Exchange at the link below. You may also access it from the Housing Trust Fund Page under "HTF Program Reports." HTF Program Monthly Report as of 8/31/17 Now Available: HTF Deadline Compliance Status Reports             Visit the HUD Exchange at

SOAR September E-News

Plus a SOAR Success Story from a DDP Grantee! CONTACT US SSA WEBINARS SOAR VOICES BLOG In Memoriam: Sarah Anderson We are very sad to share that Sarah Anderson died on August 14. A Senior Attorney at Greater Boston Legal Services, an active member of the SOAR Expert Panel, and a tireless advocate, Sarah was a valued and significant member of the SOAR community. Her wisdom and thoughtful guidance lives on in our resources on SSI/SSDI Appeals. Our deepest condolences to her family, friends, Greater Boston Legal Services, and the community she faithfully served. Read Greater Boston Legal Services' eulogy for Sarah. SSA Update: Updated Prehearing Review Procedure The Social Security Administration (SSA) has establishe

New Guide to Using Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services

Roadmap to Behavioral Health: A Guide to Using Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and SAMHSA recently released a new publication titled, Roadmap to Behavioral Health: A Guide to Using Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services . View the Publication [PDF - 1MB] A Roadmap to Behavioral Health [PDF - 1MB] was designed to serve as a behavioral health resource for consumers and offers important information about mental health and substance use disorder services, including definitions of behavioral health terms and guidance on how to find a behavioral health services provider, receive treatment, and obtain follow-up care. The resource walks through the "8 Steps of the Roadmap" to offer information specific to behavioral health, and contains a glossary and links to other federal resources. This publication was designed as