
Showing posts from March 4, 2015

HUD Funding Organizational Sign-On Letter!

March 4, 2015 Your Organization's Signature Needed! Help Increase FY 2016 Funding for HUD Programs The Alliance has joined many other partner organizations in sending a letter to the leaders of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to request that they provide as much overall funding for fiscal year (FY) 2016 as possible to the Appropriations Subcommittee that handles funding for the Departments of Transportation and HUD - known as the T-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee. Now we need YOUR organization to join ! The deadline for joining the letter is Friday, March 13 .  Here's Why it Matters:   Whatever overall amount of funding the T-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee receives will be divided up among all of the Transportation and HUD programs, including key homeless assistance and affordable housing programs such as the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assi

HUD Releases a Policy Brief on Coordinated Entry 

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD Releases a Policy Brief on Coordinated Entry Last week, HUD posted the Coordinated Entry Policy Brief . An effective coordinated entry process is a critical component to any community’s efforts to meet the goals of Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness . This policy brief describes HUD’s views of the characteristics of an effective coordinated entry process. This brief does not establish requirements for Continuums of Care (CoCs), but rather is meant to inform local efforts to further develop CoCs’ coordinated entry processe

HUD Releases Notice on Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-Sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD Releases Notice on Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-Sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities Last week, HUD posted the Notice on Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-Sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities . This Notice provides guidance to ESG recipients and subrecipients receiving Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), Continuum of Care (CoC) or Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds regarding how best to provide shelter to transgender persons in a single-sex facility. This notice also provid

Micro-Dwellings Across America

From crowded cities to a trailer park of tiny houses planned for Sonoma County, California, multiunit micro-housing complexes are popping up all across America. In Texas, where bigger is supposedly better, there’s a budding demand for very small homes. Fort Worth might be one of the last places you’d expect to find a waiting list for tiny housing, but if the city’s new White Buffalo micro-unit complex designed by  JHP Architecture / Urban Design  is any indication, the yen to live small is a nationwide trend. White Buffalo’s 63 units range from 540 to 995 square feet—grand by micro-home standards, but miniscule for Texas—and were fully leased in half the time developer Lang Partners predicted. The Big Apple is currently undertaking the adAPT NYC micro-housing project, a pilot program on public land in the Kips Bay neighborhood. Architects and partners Eric Bunge and Mimi Hoang of nArchitects won the commission to design the 55-unit building in January 2013.