New Resources Available for Understanding Chronic Homelessness in Your CoC’s HMIS
HUD has developed a new series of three webinars to assist Continuums of Care (CoCs) and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Lead Agencies understand how HMIS can be used to assist in identifying people who are experiencing chronic homelessness. The first of these three webinars is posted for your viewing, followed in three weeks by the “documentation” webinar, and in six weeks by the “reporting” webinar. Each brief video recording will provide detailed information about one of the following topics: Available now : Capturing information about a client’s living situation in HMIS needed to calculate their chronic homeless status. Every HMIS-participating project has to record clients’ living situation and disability status in HMIS at project entry based on information the client shares. This webinar assists HMIS Lead agencies and users understand how to navigate the relevant data elements in HMIS. Coming Soon : Using HMIS to document a client’s chronic hom