FY 2018 CoC Program Registration: CoC Review Step in e-snaps is Now Available - Due Tuesday, June 5, 2018 by 3:00 PM Local Time
This message only applies to Continuums of Care (CoCs) and their Collaborative Applicants. This is phase 2 of the process in which CoCs will review HUD’s determination. The FY 2018 CoC Program Registration Review step for all CoCs (whether your Collaborative Applicant submitted its FY 2018 Registration by May 14, 2018 or HUD moved the registration forms forward) is now available for the CoC Review step. Collaborative Applicants must access e-snaps at https://esnaps.hud.gov to review HUD’s determination and either agree and submit or disagree and submit at which point the registration will be returned to HUD for one final review and then returned to the Collaborative Applicant for approval. Collaborative Applicants that requested Unified Funding Agency (UFA) designation: If you requested UFA designation, you will not see the CoC Review step until May 30, 2018 as HUD is in the process of finalizing the review of these designation requests. No CoCs requested High Perform