
Showing posts from April 19, 2016

EMPLOYMENT OPP: HMIS System Admin (Carroll County, MD)

Homeless Information Systems Analyst Department of Citizen Services $18.79 hourly salary (Grade C10) 37.5 hour position with full benefit package Apply By: Friday April 29, 2016 @ 5:00 p.m. Apply on-line: Call the Carroll County Job Hotline at (410) 386-2020 to request an employment application Call (410) 386-2129 for employment inquiries GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES Maintains, supports, and provides training for Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and agency staff in HMIS design, use, documentation, training, problem solving and projects in accordance with federal, state and local laws. ESSENTIAL TASKS include the following; other duties may be assigned. 1. Meet with agencies to determine use of HMIS software as a daily tool for improved efficiency of operations; provide demonstrations to potential clients 2. Coordinate Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) with Department of Social Services, Local Management Board, Housing and Ur

HUD Announces New Coordination and Collaboration for CoCs and Con Plan Jurisdictions Guide and Video

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD Announces New Coordination and Collaboration for CoCs and Con Plan Jurisdictions Guide and Video The HUD Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) is pleased to announce the release of two new complementary tools: Coordination and Collaboration for CoCs and Con Plan Jurisdictions Guide and Video for Continuum of Care (CoC) and Consolidated Plan (Con Plan) Jurisdictions, including those with and without Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) allocations. The guidebook and video: Provide an overview of the consultation requirements.   Identif

Now Available: CoC Program Grant and Project Administration Requirements Online Training Module

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Now Available: CoC Program Grant and Project Administration Requirements Online Training Module The HUD Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) is pleased to announce the release of a new tool: Continuum of Care Program: Grant and Project Administration Requirements . This online training module ensures that recipients and subrecipients understand the primary responsibilities in administering a Continuum of Care (CoC) Program project. The module includes a summary of information about the requirements established for recipients and subrecipients

April 2016 NCHV eNewsletter

NCHV eNewsletter April 2016 Register Today: 2016 NCHV Annual Conference June 1-3, 2016 at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C.   Register online | Download a registration form to return by fax  |  Reserve your discounted room Register today for the 2016 NCHV Annual Conference, "New Beginning: Building Blocks of a Post-Plan Era"! Join service providers, government agency representatives, nonprofit partners, VSOs, and other stakeholders from around the country on  June 1-3, 2016 when the 2016 NCHV Annual Conference will take place at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. New for the NCHV Annual Conference in 2016: Veteran Homelessness 101 for those new to the field NCHV Board members leading discussion on key issues Best practice discussion tables focused on specific issues, strategies, and challenges Coordinated visits to your representatives in Congress We'll also have the

Both Dems Release Housing Platforms!

In this issue: Development's Racial Comfort Zone * Energy Efficiency / Low-Income Homes * Harvard Planners Talk Race, Design, and St. Louis- Having trouble viewing this email? Click here. In this issue: Development's Racial Comfort Zone ● Energy Efficiency and Low-Income Households ● Harvard Planners Talk Race, Design, and St. Louis Tuesday, April 19, 2016   Shelterforce in Print!   1 Year for $18 Subscribe Now! Events Webinar | Homes For All: A National Dialogue with Matthew Desmond & HFA Leaders | May 18, 3-5pm EDT Homes For All & Right To The City Alliance host a national online discussion with Matthew Desmond about the eviction epidemic facing black & brown communities, women, and low and moderate income families across the country. Desmond i