FY 2015 HUD Budget Released
FY 2015 HUD Budget Released The Obama administration earlier today released its proposed budget for the 2015 federal fiscal year. In a document summarizing the budget proposal for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the administration states that "funding is prioritized to protect vulnerable families and to revitalize neighborhoods with distressed HUD-assisted housing and concentrated poverty." While the proposal would provide a total of $46.7 billion in direct appropriations and other resources for HUD programs ($1.2 billion above the FY 2014 enacted level), the document also notes that "the budget includes tough choices required by the constrained fiscal environment, including funding reductions to project-based rental assistance and community development, and some curtailment of the expansion of new construction of affordable housing." Today's Direct News item is intended to provide NAHRO members with a high-level ove...