
Showing posts from March 13, 2016

NHSDC Pre-Conference Institute and Tour

NHSDC Pre-conference Institute and Tour! Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser .

6 welfare myths we all need to stop believing

Stigma runs deep when it comes to government programs designed to aid low-income individuals and families. Need-based assistance in the U.S. — such as  Women, Infants and Children  (WIC), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program  (SNAP, or food stamps) and  Temporary Assistance for Needy Families  (TANF) — is often subject to public scrutiny, causing those who receive it to feel shame. But it's all due to the misconception that these programs reward the undeserving, allowing people to "work the system" while rejecting the common (yet highly unrealistic) "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" values of our society. Welfare recipients are also often assumed to share a range of undesirable characteristics, most of which have  racist and classist undertones . These stereotypes simply aren't true. We need to dispel the myths surrounding government benefits so we can truly understand the value of welfare, the humanity of those receiving i

HUD AAQ #63403: HMIS Data Entry for CoC Rental Assistance in Non-Cash Benefits?

Question Related To : Homeless Management Information Systems Question ID : 63403 Question Subject : HMIS Data Entry: CoC Rental Assistance in Non-Cash Benefits? Question Text: For the purposes of HMIS data entry for a CoC funded PSH project, should the amount the client receives (landlord receives as rent) as a housing subsidy from that same PSH provider be entered into the Non-Cash Benefits section into HMIS?  If so, should this be recorded at the Entry Date or the first Interim Review Date? Response: The non-cash benefits data element is intended to collect information about non-cash mainstream benefits.  The rental assistance referred to in this data element only includes rental assistance provided to participating clients from non-CoC funded resources (i.e. Section 8, public housing).  Since all of your participants are receiving rental assistance from your CoC funded project, you would not record "rental assistance" under the non-cash benefits dat

Register TODAY -- Human Services Conference -- Hosted by MCAP

Registration Available REGISTER NOW Human Services Conference - May 3-5, 2016 Greetings Everyone,  Help us celebrate MCAP's 30 years of service this spring!  We will highlight a series of activities during the 2016 Human Services Conference (click here)  to be held on May 3-5, 2016 at the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel, in Towson, MD.   Maryland Governor Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr., and DHCD Secretary Kenneth C. Holt were invited to speak.    REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE NOW!    CONFERENCE OPTIONS: We have 8 Tracks of training workshops to offer you this year.  There's something for everyone.  We have national trainers that will be presenting.   To view the General Conference Workshops-At-Glance , click here. To view the General Conference Agenda by the Day, click here. To view the OHEP Agenda , click here. To view the Weatherization Agenda , click here . For more info

News from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness

Veterans Affairs Promotes Vision for the Grant and Per Diem Program March 11, 2016 VA Promotes Vision for the Grant and Per Diem Program In an open letter to GPD grantees, Department of Veterans Affairs Deputy Secretary Sloan Gibson encouraged program providers to take steps to further align housing interventions with Housing First approaches. The vision promoted through this letter will help ensure that housing resources are aligned with other programs and agencies and are best suited to ensuring that homelessness among Veterans is