
Showing posts from March 4, 2014

SOAR eNews - March 2014

If you are having trouble viewing the email below, please click here . March 2014 SOAR Leadership Academy The first SOAR Leadership Academy was held February 4-6 in Atlanta, Georgia! We welcomed 28 new SOAR Local Leads from 12 states. During the Leadership Academy, participants attended sessions that prepared them to make SOAR work in their community and support case managers who complete the SOAR Online Course. Participants learned how to create and lead a local steering committee, implement a quality review process, creatively fund and sustain local SOAR efforts, and use the SOAR Online Application Tracking (OAT) system. In This Issue Leadership Academy Success Stories SSA Updates Center Events Quick Links SOAR Website Contact us Trainings SSA Webinars Sharing Our Successes SOAR News and Accomplishments Livingston County, NY :

NHSDC 2014 Spring Conference - Preliminary Agenda!

NHSDC 2014 Spring Institute and Conference - Preliminary Agenda! Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser .

National Human Services Data Consortium

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . National Human Services Data Consortium Conference The National Human Services Data Consortium (NHSDC) is a collaborative organization that understands the importance of data quality and the value of using valid and reliable data for community planning and performance measurement. NHSDC has worked for over 12 years to deliver conferences that allow Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) professionals to discuss current challenges and best practices while developing a critical network of peer support. As in past years, the NHSDC conference is a HUD approved conference. Therefore, HMIS funds awarded under the Continuum of Care (CoC) program may be used to attend the 2014 NHSDC Spring Conference. Funds included in the Training and Technical Assistance line of the HMIS budget may be used for costs associated with attendance at training sessions that are qualified-and pre-a

President Proposes $300 Million increase in Homeless Assistance

March 4, 2014      ISSUES   |   POLICY   |   SOLUTIONS   |   NEWS & EVENTS Forward Editor: Emanuel Cavallaro Spotlight On... President Proposes $300 Million increase in Homeless Assistance Today, the Obama administration released its complete fiscal year (FY) 2015 Budget Proposal , which includes approximately $2.4 billion for the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants, representing a proposed $300 million increase in funding for homeless assistance. This proposal for increasing HUD's homeless assistance, along with the proposed increases for Department of Veterans Affairs budget, demonstrate a commitment on the part of the Administration to end veterans homelessness by the end of 2015 and chronic homelessness by the end of 2016. Upcoming Webinar: President's Budget Proposal - Overview and Impact on Homelessness For mor

Re: [MARHMIS] Monitoring Plans?

​Kelly, I have a monitoring form you can download from (in the blue "HMIS Policies" section).  Please let me know if there's anything I missed.  As with anything else I have on the site, I'm happy to share, so let me know if you want the original versions, so that you may edit...  ​ Jason Burns ,  MCSE System Administrator Resources: NOTES:   On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Blechertas, Kelly A. < > wrote: Hey all, I am putting together a (far-too-late-in-the-making) monitoring plan for my HMIS. I already do data quality monitoring, but I'm talking about a more comprehensive plan and possibly (hopefully) check lists of items to look at physically at the agency and anything else I'd want to take look at. Does anyone have anything similar I could see, to get me started? (Also shooting an email to Fran, as we said we'd talk about this before th

National Human Services Data Consortium

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . National Human Services Data Consortium Conference The National Human Services Data Consortium (NHSDC) is a collaborative organization that understands the importance of data quality and the value of using valid and reliable data for community planning and performance measurement. NHSDC has worked for over 12 years to deliver conferences that allow Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) professionals to discuss current challenges and best practices while developing a critical network of peer support. As in past years, the NHSDC

MARHMIS Meeting - March 10, 2014

Good Morning MARHMIS Members! As of today I have received 5 names of members that will be attending in person at the March 10 th meeting.  If you will be attending in person in Philadelphia please let me know ( ). Abram Hillson Director of HMIS New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency P.O Box 18550 Trenton, New Jersey 08650-2085 Phone: 609-278-7567 Fax: 609-278-4173