FY2013 Grant Extension Requests
Due to the late announcement of the FY2013 CoC Program Tier 1 & 2 renewal grants awarded under the FY2013-FY2014 CoC Program Competitions, SNAPS is providing guidance to field office staff for recipients whose CoC Program, S+C, and SHP grants expire through the second quarter of CY 2014 [January 1, '14 - June 30, '14]. This is a temporary reprogramming of funds for the term of the extension only. Approval of extension requests in no way implies that the Tier Two project will be renewed. If funds are available and you desire to extend the grant term for any project whose expiration date ranges from January 31, 2014 through June 30, 2014, please submit a request to your CPD Rep. The renewal grant will then start at the end of the extension date.