
Showing posts from November 4, 2014

HUD Issues Homelessness Report to Congress (National Low Income Housing Coalition)

National Low Income Housing Coalition (11/3/2014 1:00 PM, NLIHC) HUD released the 2014 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress on October 30. The AHAR summarizes estimates of homelessness at the national, state, and Continuum of Care (CoC) level, based on data from the annual Point-in-Time (PIT) counts of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January. These counts, conducted by local volunteers working with Continuums of Care (CoCs), are a "snapshot" of homelessness. Continuums of Care are local planning bodies responsible for coordinating homelessness services. Nationally, on the single night in January 2014, 578,424 people experienced homelessness . This is a 2% decline since 2013 and a 10% decline since 2010 when the Obama Administration released Opening Doors, its plan to end homelessness. Since 2010, the number of chronically homeless people declined 21%, the number of homeless families decline

Early Conference Registration Closes Nov. 12, Scholarship, Volunteer Opportunities Available

November 4, 2014      ISSUES   |   POLICY   |   SOLUTIONS   |   NEWS & EVENTS Forward Editor: Emanuel Cavallaro Spotlight On... Early Conference Registration Closes Nov. 12, Scholarship, Volunteer Opportunities Available Early registration for the Alliance's 2015 National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness , which will take place at Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina February 19 to 20, will close at 3 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Nov. 12. At that time, the early registration rate of $450 per person will expire, and the registration fee will increase to the regular rate of $525. Stay tuned to the Alliance newsletter and social media for future announcements about workshop content and keynote speakers. Register for the conference Conference Reminder: Scholarship, Volunteer Opportunities Available The Alliance is currently seeking candidates for our conference scholarship pr

IDIS Production Servers Will be Restarted Today

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . IDIS Production Servers Will be Restarted Today The IDIS Production Servers need to be restarted during the day today. The restart of servers is expected to take place about 12:30 pm EST or shortly thereafter. Thank you.

Reminder of Available ESG Resources on HUD Exchange

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Reminder of Available ESG Resources on HUD Exchange Many communities have questions about the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program interim rule – sometimes because of staff turnover and sometimes because existing staff seek guidance around interpreting the rule. While HUD continues to develop new guidance and resources for ESG recipients and subrecipients, and the AAQ help desk is always available to answer questions, HUD would like to remind ESG recipients and subrecipients of existing ESG program resources that are already available on the HUD Exchange.