
Showing posts from February 20, 2015

Reminder: Webinar on Strategies to Increase Health Insurance Enrollment for People Who Are Homeless - February 24, 2015 2 PM EST

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Reminder: Webinar on Strategies to Increase Health Insurance Enrollment for People Who Are Homeless - February 24, 2015 2 PM EST This webinar will present a range of opportunities and strategies designed to support organizations serving homeless populations in their efforts to enroll clients in available health insurance, including Medicaid. The webinar will provide specific steps that organizations can take to overcome barriers to enrollment and it will provide detailed information on how to facilitate access to enrollment and health care. Key subject matte...

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: PIT Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, 3/17, 12pm

On behalf of the staff of the Department of Planning and Baltimore County Communities for the Homeless, we would like to invite you to the 2015 Point-in-Time Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon.   Please see the information below, and be sure to register by March 13th.  Thank you, and we hope to see you there! - Sue DeSantis (Homeless Services Coordinator) REGISTRATION ( required ): register online via link or call Nakia Bailey  410 887-5688 ( once registered, you will receive a calendar reminder via email)    WHO : All volunteers from Point-in-Time survey    WHAT : Free luncheon w/opportunity to share experiences + view stats from 2015 PIT    WHERE :  Valley Baptist Church ( 1401 York Road,  Lutherville, MD 21093)    WHEN :  March 17, 2015 (Tuesday), 12:00pm    Jason Burns, MCSE Systems Administrator HMIS Support Team 443-574-HMIS Always use o...