
Showing posts from June 23, 2017

Reminder: 2017 Basically CDBG for Entitlement Grantees - Milwaukee, WI - July 25-27, 2017

Registration Extended through June 28, 2017 - Register Today! This training provides answers to common Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) questions and highlights HUD's interpretation of key policy issues. Participants will learn: CDBG National Objectives & Eligible Activities Program Administration & Financial Management Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) Performance Measurement & Reporting/Recordkeeping CDBG-Disaster Recovery (DR) eligible activities and requirements This is a 3-day training, and includes a combination of lecture and hands-on exercises. Who Should Attend? This training is intended for all Entitlement grantees. Please note that each grantee is limited initially to one (1) staff member. Schedule of Training Deliveries Title Date and Time Registration Link Basically CDBG for Entitlement Grantees - Seattle, WA July 11-13, 2017 8:00 AM-5:30 PM PDT Registra

Homelessness: What Baltimore County is doing to address the issue

A couple who panhandles with their dog in Woodlawn near the corner of Security Boulevard and Lord Baltimore Road, shopping cart of blankets, pet food and their belongings parked a few feet away, say they are trying to collect enough money to pay for their weekly stay at a nearby pet-friendly hotel. Dressed in a hooded sweatshirt one cool morning, Tormerri Lawrence, 23, shared her struggles with finding herself without a permanent home—a situation she did not expect to be in at this time of her life. She stopped to share her story as she and her fiance Karrel Anderson panhandle with their dog on Security Boulevard for money to pay for their stay at a nearby pet-friendly hotel. As a teen raised in Baltimore City in a two-parent household, Lawrence graduated from high school and enrolled in Coppin State University. She lived in campus housing with dreams of becoming a registered nurse or geriatric nurse. “Too much partying” cut that goal short. After moving in with a boy

Headlines: $72.5 Million in Funding Awarded for Youth Mental Health Services

June 22, 2017 Subscribe SAMHSA Headlines—Your one-stop source for the latest from SAMHSA. Funding    |    Data    |    Resources    |    Events    |    SAMHSA News Funding $4.9 Million in Grants Awarded to Reduce Suicides on College and University Campuses $4.9 million in grants were awarded to 17 colleges and universities for suicide prevention and mental health promotion activities. The grant funding will be distributed through the Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Program. The Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Program is a comprehensive public health approach to improve behavioral health and prevent suicide at institutions of higher education. $72.5 Million in Funding Awarded for Youth Mental Health Services