
Showing posts from May 23, 2017

INNterim Housing: BBQ On the Patio + Silent Auction


New Grant Opportunity: Suicide Prevention and Intervention

New Grant Opportunity SAMHSA Is Accepting Applications for Up to $39.5 Million in Grants to Prevent Suicide SAMHSA is accepting applications for Cooperative Agreements To Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems. The purpose of these cooperative agreements is to implement suicide prevention and intervention programs designed to raise awareness of suicide, establish referral processes, and improve care and outcomes for individuals age 25 and older who are at risk for suicide. SAMHSA expects to fund up to 13 grantees with up to $700,000 per year for up to 5 years. View All Grant Opportunities

SAMHSA News: Olympians Phelps and Schmitt Support Children's Mental Health

May 23, 2017 Subscribe A quarterly roundup of articles from SAMHSA's continuously updated newsletter. Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt Join With SAMHSA To Promote Children's Mental Health The Olympians shared how they would isolate themselves during periods of depression and what helped them recover. Spotlights on Six Trauma-Informed Resilient Communities This series highlights efforts underway to stimulate collaborations that address trauma. Self-Care for Providers During Change and Stress Health care workers may neglect their own wellness while helping others. Here are five tips to help your mood, physical health, and patient care quality through self-care.

Preparing for the 2017 Continuum of Care Program NOFA

Preparing for the 2017 CoC Program NOFA? View this email in your browser Preparing for the 2017 CoC Program NOFA The Continuum of Care funding competition is coming soon, will you use this as an opportunity to improve your community’s homelessness system? Here are a few resources and learning opportunities we want you to know about. Register for a webinar on Wednesday, May 31, at 2 pm ET  that will help CoCs examine how they can use the NOFA process to drive long-term change and better serve the most vulnerable in their community. This year’s CoC NOFA also includes a new opportunity for communities – a project type combining Transitional Housing and Rapid Re-Housing. Register for a webinar on Thursday, June 15 at 2 pm ET that will discuss how to evaluate if this is needed in your community and what populations might benefit from it.

Can Health Insurance Pay for Housing?

Also: Despite What Bankers Say, Data Is Indispensable * Developers: Organize Your Residents for 2018 * Events, Job Listings, More -- Having trouble viewing this email? Click here. Also: Despite What Bankers Say, Data Is Indispensable ● Developers: Organize Your Residents for 2018 ● Job Listings, Events, More . . . Tuesday, May 23, 2017 Events Renter Nation Online Tenant Union Organizing Training | May 25, 8 p.m. EDT Episode 4 of Right to the City 's online Renter Nation training series will feature organizers and members from City Life/Vida Urbana, Inqulinxs Unidxs por Justicia, and Tenants Union of Washington State to discuss how to organize a tenants union and conduct a tenants rights campaign. Register here and view recordings of past trainings here . Social Determin