Illinois State SOAR Coordinator
March 12, 2014 SOAR Job Posting AmeriCorps VISTA Illinois State SOAR Coordinator Applications being accepted through April 4, 2014 The Illinois SOAR Coordinator will provide technical assistance to local communities across Illinois with SOAR planning projects and implementation, and working to develop and build sustainable capacity and infrastructure for ongoing SOAR efforts. First, the member will learn about SOAR through its methodology, training, research, and meetings with the SOAR planning team. The member will also conduct outreach and engage relevant partners statewide regarding SOAR implementation efforts. Second, the member will work to increase the presence of SOAR statewide by cultivating statewide collaborations, establishing MOUs, and conducting in-service training sessions and any other relevant training opportunities with SOAR trainers and partners to provide technical assistance to outreach workers and front line staff. L