Report: Rental housing supply lags behind demand
A view of construction on the 400 block of E. 20th Street following an announcement about RAD authority being granted to Baltimore and cities around the country. By Talia Richman The Baltimore Sun Only 43 affordable rental units available for every 100 low-income family in Baltimore City Only 22 affordable rental units available for every 100 low-income family in Baltimore County Supply can't keep up with demand for affordable rental housing For families that earn less than 30 percent of the median area income, buying a house is often out of the question. And for these low-income households, finding a place to rent can also be a struggle, the Urban Institute has reported Not a single county in the nation offered enough affordable housing to keep up with its extremely low-income renters, the organization said. In the Baltimore region, some counties have fewer available units than the national average of 28 units available for every 100 renter hou