
Showing posts from June 23, 2020

(NAEH) Using the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Response

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness. Using the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Response In partnership with several leaders in the effort to end homelessness, the Alliance created the  Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response .  The Framework provides

(HUD) Update on 2020 Census Efforts to Count the Homeless – September 22-24, 2020

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training Update on 2020 Census Efforts to Count the Homeless – September 22-24, 2020 In light of the on-going efforts to address COVID-19, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that they will conduct the count of people experiencing homelessness between September 22

(WellSky) Webinar: Reopening your facility in the safest way

Shelter in place orders have severely impacted both consumer demand and provider availability. Now as states begin to reopen, human services agencies face a difficult task. This webinar explores how scheduling processes can help you plan ahead for capacity, demand, and workflow to optimize your staff and serve your community. Project provider availability to meet demand for services Reach out to encourage consumers to schedule necessary care Identify the triggers you will monitor to guide your reopening process Join scheduling and resource management experts John Marchisin, Luke Henderson, and John Mollica of AArete in this timely, free webinar. Many of these lessons from the world of healthcare can help your human services agency build an agile, data-driven resource management plan. Register today Can't make the live webinar? Register now to receive a link to the recording and slides. Register Now

(HUD) COVID-19 Resource Digest for Homeless Providers – June 23, 2020

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training COVID-19 Resource Digest for Homeless Providers – June 23, 2020 Digest for June 23, 2020 The emergence of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) calls for enhanced cooperation between public health authorities, homeless service systems, an