
Showing posts from February 18, 2020

NAEH: Follow Along All Week from the Solutions for Individual Homeless Adults Conference

Stay in the loop of what's happening at #NAEH2020 Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

HUD: Current Availability of Section 108 Financing - CDBG Entitlement and State Grantees

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training Current Availability of Section 108 Financing - CDBG Entitlement and State Grantees The Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program is pleased to announce the release of updated information on existing borrowing capacity for Community Development Block Grant (CD

Meet WellSky at the NAEH Conference

Visit us at NAEH to discuss the latest solutions to help end homelessness NAEH Conference | Feb 19-21 | Oakland, CA | Table #2 If you are attending this week's National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) conference in Oakland, stop by WellSky's table (#2) to say hello and learn about the latest advances coming to our HMIS software, including Unit Manager. This powerful module lets you manage all your shelter and housing resources with user-guided forms and a cleaner look that speeds check-ins, check-outs, and updates of available resources. WellSky Community Services software is the HMIS used by 60% of HUD's Continuums of Care. Our clients benefit from our extensive experience in HUD reporting, workflows, data collection, and provider management. Enter to win a $100 gift card at the booth! Because our space is often crowded, we recommend you schedule a m

Build Failures

WellSky important update WellSky was informed of an outage that affected ServicePoint, ART and Qlik Sense last night for about an hour. This led to the failure of ART and Qlik Sense rebuilds for all sites. Nightly rebuilds will resume tonight for all sites. If you must have a rebuild today; 02/18/2020; please create a case in the Customer Community. Please note that we will only be able to perform a limited number of requested rebuilds today. Copyright © 2020 WellSky. All Rights Reserved. 11300 Switzer Road, Overland Park, KS 66210