FY 2018 CoC Competition Focus: DedicatedPLUS – Explaining the New Strategy for Ending Chronic Homelessness
In the FY 2017 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), we introduced the concept of DedicatedPLUS Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), which allows recipients to serve some households who are highly vulnerable but not currently experiencing chronic homelessness. We have carried this concept forward into the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA and I want to take a moment to explain the development of DedicatedPlus and our thinking about how communities should be using this new strategy. In 2014, we observed that despite significant increases in PSH over the years, the vast majority of it that was funded through the CoC Program was not being effectively targeted. Many communities and recipients of CoC Program-funded PSH weren’t using a Housing First approach and were continuing to serve people on a “first-come, first-serve” basis or based on tenant selection processes that screened out those with the highest level o