
Showing posts from September 15, 2014

Schedule and Resources for the 2014 Annual Homeless Assessment Report

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Schedule and Resources for the 2014 Annual Homeless Assessment Report Beginning on October 1, 2014, communities can submit their data for the 2014 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) through the Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX). In preparation, those assigned as Primary Contacts for Continuums of Care (CoCs) should log in at and review and edit the list of people who have access to their community’s data via the HDX (see the HDX Admin\CoC Access tabs). CoCs that have not participated in the past but wish to submit data this year can regi

EXTENDED: National Call-In Week for McKinney!

September 15, 2014 National Call-In Week for McKinney: EXTENDED! Due to a low response, our National Call-In Week has been extended through this Wednesday, September 17, in order to generate more calls!   Thank you to all who have made calls, and to those who have yet to do so, now is your chance. Congress is currently in session and appropriators are doing preliminary work to shape the final fiscal year (FY) 2015 federal funding legislation. W e need to use this time to call congressional offices about the importance of providing a $301 million increase for McKinney programs in FY 2015. During this call in period, please call your representatives' and senators' offices and tell them to contact the Chair or Ranking Member of the Appropriations Committee and tell them that providing $2.406 billion for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants program in FY 2015 is

#ShareWellness for National Wellness Week

--> Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser . #ShareWellness for National Wellness Week Practicing wellness is essential to behavioral health. During SAMHSA's 4th annual National Wellness Week , use Facebook and Twitter to share how you enhance your physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, financial, occupational, and environmental wellness. Use the hashtag #ShareWellness when you post a photo, video, or message of your favorite health and wellness activities. Stay involved in the #ShareWellness social media conversation to learn more about wellness and gather ideas for new wellness activities that could improve your overall health and well-being. For more information about SAMHSA's National Wellness Week 2014, stay connected with SAMHSA on Twitter (@samhsagov) and Facebook .