
Showing posts from June 30, 2015

EMPLOYMENT OPP: Shelter Prgm Director (Cecil Co, MD)

Position: Program Director Cecil County Men’s Shelter (CLOSING DATE:  July 24, 2015) GENERAL PURPOSE OF POSITION Under the direction of the Executive Director, the Program Director is responsible for assuring the efficient functioning of the Cecil County Men’s Shelter such that the program is a place of hospitality, safety, education, community participation, spiritual growth, and re-integration into society on a path to home. ESSENTIAL DUTIES + RESPONSIBILITIES -Program Development and Resident Support -Develops and facilitates resident support of all kinds, including accessing community services for employment, transportation, housing, physical and mental health, substance abuse and domestic violence, as well as assisting residents in developing resumes, educational options, etc. -Assists residents in formulating individual goals and setting priorities and exploring pathways with residents to reach these goals.Communicates, and enforces program expectations, rules

SOAR July eNews

If you are having trouble viewing the email below, please click here . July - 2015 New SOAR Tools  Continuing Disability Review FAQs The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center has put together a frequently asked questions document on Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs), associated with the 2014 Webinar, SOAR Representation with CDRs . Questions in the FAQ document include "what is 'Medical Improvement'?," "can you continue to receive benefits during an appeal?," and "when do benefits terminate?" Read the full FAQ document . SSA's New "All" Evidence Rule: What does this mean for the SOAR Practitioner? A new Social Security Administration (SSA) ruling clarifies existing regulations that require claimants and/or their authorized attorney or non-attorney representatives inform SSA about, or submit, all evidence known to them

Reminder: NDRC NOFA-Specific: Stakeholder Consultation - July 2, 2015 - 3 PM EDT  

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Reminder: NDRC NOFA-Specific: Stakeholder Consultation - July 2, 2015 - 3 PM EDT This webinar is one of the many upcoming webinars in the NDRC Webinar Series . This NDRC NOFA-specific webinar will be held on July 2, 2015 at 3:00 PM EDT. HUD will discuss the differences between Phase 1 and 2 and the importance of stakeholder consultation in your overall proposal for Phase 2. Presenters: Jessie Handforth Kome (HUD) Please note you  DO NOT  need to register to join this webinar. Instructions to access the webinar directly are provided below. However, if you

Upcoming Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Incarceration & Homelessness Among Veterans

Join us for an upcoming webinar! Breaking the Cycle of Incarceration and Homelessness Among Veterans Wednesday, July 8, 1:00 - 2:15 PM ET Register There is a high prevalence of criminal justice system-involvement among Veterans experiencing homelessness, with some estimates indicating that as many as one-half of all Veterans experiencing homelessness are involved in the justice system. Strategies to end Vetera