
Showing posts from December 15, 2015

Upcoming Webinar: New Tools and Guidance for Ending Veteran Homelessness

Join us for a webinar Friday, December 18 Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Join Us for an Upcoming Webinar! New Tools and Guidance for Ending Veteran Homelessness December 18, 2015, 1 PM EST This webinar will provide updates from federal partners and will review recently released resources to assist communities with meeting the Federal Criteria and Benchmarks for ending

Upcoming: Resources and Guidance for Ending Veterans Homelessness Webinar - December 18, 2015 - 1 PM EST

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Upcoming: Resources and Guidance for Ending Veterans Homelessness Webinar - December 18, 2015 - 1 PM EST This webinar will provide updates from Federal partners and review recently released resources to assist communities with meeting the Federal Criteria and Benchmarks for ending homelessness among Veterans . The recently released resources include a Federal Criteria and Benchmarks Review Tool and a Master List Template and Benchmark Generation Tool . The Federal Criteria and Benchmarks Review Tool can help communities understand their current status rel

Guidance in Preparing for Potential Changes to GPD

Guidance in Preparing for Potential Changes to GPD Good afternoon partners in service, If your organization operates, works with, or is interested in pursuing Grant and Per Diem (GPD) funding, you may have heard of a pending “reboot” to the GPD program. This pending reboot and changes to the GPD program have been discussed in several venues, including at the NCHV Annual Conference  and the NCHV Veterans Access to Housing Summit . For longstanding GPD providers, the uncertainty surrounding the reboot may cause worry and anxiety, and we want to help. We at NCHV want to make sure you are fully informed as this process develops. In this letter, we will share what we know about pending changes to the program and help you prepare for the reboot. If you are prepared, you can make the application or reapplication process more seamless and increase your chances

HUD Releases New Webcasts for the AFFH Training Series

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD Releases New Webcasts for the AFFH Training Series HUD releases two webcasts for the affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH) training series: AFFH Community Participation Requirements for Consolidated Plan Program Participants Webcast; and AFFH Community Participation Requirements for Public Housing Agencies Webcast. AFFH Community Participation Requirements for Consolidated Plan Program Participants Webcast This webcast, published December 11, 2015, provides an overview of affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH). Participants will learn: Co

Reminder: Final Deadline for 2015 AHAR Data - All Persons and Veterans - Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Reminder: Final Deadline for 2015 AHAR Data - All Persons and Veterans - Wednesday, December 23, 2015 The deadline for submitting the final Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) data for All Persons and Veterans is Wednesday, December 23, 2015 . If you have any questions about the AHAR process, data submission requirements, or are having issues with your vendor or HMIS software, please reach out to your AHAR Data Liaison or consult the following updated 2015 AHAR guidance materials . 2015 AHAR Data Mapping Instructions Introductory Guide to the AHAR A

SNAPS In Focus: Recovery Housing

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . SNAPS In Focus: Recovery Housing Last week, we released a brief that we at HUD have been discussing and working on for some time on the topic of Recovery Housing. I am excited about the opportunity to share with you our thoughts on how Recovery Housing programs should be structured, how they fit into the Continuum of Care (CoC), and how Recovery Housing programs can offer meaningful choices for people with substance use disorders. Many CoCs have programs funded through the CoC Program that serve people experiencing homelessness who also have substance use

Out of Prison, Into Public Housing!

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Tuesday, December 15, 2015   Subscribe Now! Events Webinar: Investing in Community Change | December 17, 2015 This webinar, based on an article in the current issue of The Foundation Review , describes how the revitalization focus of the Wells Fargo Regional Foundation's grantmaking process is designed to make neighborhoods more attractive for large-scale investment. View full info and register here . Cities Building Community Wealth | CUNY School of Law | January 29, 2016 In this free event,  CUNY School of Law , the Democracy Collaborative and Surdna Foundation will highlight the work of innovative city leaders working to build more inclusive, equitable, and cooperative economies, and discuss how munici