
Showing posts from July 22, 2020

(NAEH) Reminder: Complete the New Continuum of Care Survey

New CoC COVID-19 Survey Dear Continuum of Care Leaders, The deadline for the Alliance's second COVID-19 survey is July 29 th .  We would appreciate hearing from you.  The information you provide will promote a better understanding of the needs of people experiencing homelessness, as well as those who serve them in relation to COVID-19​​.  Additionally,  the results  of the first round of surveys helped us advocate for funds and supplies for CoCs.  Please note the following: 1)  You can participate even if you were unable to respond to the first round of surveys  and 2)  You can use the surv

(NAEH) Act Now for Homelessness COVID Relief Funds

The most important moment in federal homelessness policy in 2020 has arrived! Ensuring that the homelessness system is adequately resourced to meet the difficult challenges presented by the pandemic is the goal you and the Alliance have been working towards for almost three months—and now the moment has finally arrived when the Congress will decide whether to provide funding sufficient to keep people experiencing homelessness safe from the virus, and keep countless others from becoming homeless during a raging pandemic. The Senate will soon unveil their own proposal for what additional relief should be provided to individuals, businesses, and governments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, both Republicans and Democrats—with plenty of direction from the Administration—will strive to reconcile policy and funding differences between the Senate proposal and the House-passed HEROES Act (H.R. 6800), and produce a final compromise that the President will sign

(Maryland DHCD) Nonprofit Recovery Initiative (NORI) Application Round Opens Today

Maryland Nonprofit Recovery Initiative (NORI) Application Round Opens Today Good Morning Nonprofit Organizations, On behalf of Governor Larry Hogan and all Maryland citizens, I would like to express appreciation for your conscientious support of needy Marylanders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Governor Hogan has made available funding to assist qualified organizations as they continue to provide social, health and economic assistance.  Applications for these funds will be accepted as of 12 PM today. Please visit f or more information. We look forward to processing your requests and appreciate all that you do. Thanks, Kenneth C. Holt, Secretary Follow us on social media

(SOAR) Deadline Approaching: Report Your SOAR Outcomes!

2020 SOAR Outcomes Collection Data Submission Deadline: Friday, August 7, 2020 The deadline for reporting your outcomes is fast approaching! Remember, the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center is collecting outcomes on SOAR-assisted adult SSI/SSDI cases and SOAR-assisted child SSI cases (initials and appeals) that were decided between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. If you haven't yet done so, please check your SOAR Online Application Tracking (OAT) account ( ) and ensure that you have entered all of your SOAR-assisted SSI/SSDI cases, both approvals and denials. If you are not sure which method your state uses to collect outcomes, please contact your State Team Lead. Remember that every approval is a life transformed. Thank you for all the amazing work that you do!  Please do not hesitate to reach out to the SAMHSA SO

(HUD) HOME Reports Now Posted

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training HOME Reports Now Posted The following HOME Program Reports are now posted on the HUD Exchange. Additional HOME Program reports are available on the HOME Program Page . HOME Reports as of 6/30/2020 Now Posted: Post 2011 HOME Activities Report

(NAEH) ICYMI: Virtual Town Hall on Ending Homelessness Recordings Available

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness. Recap from the 2020 Nationwide Town Hall on Ending Homelessness Watch the 2020 Nationwide Town Hall on Ending Homelessness   In case you missed it, the Alliance's first-ever virtu