
Showing posts from April 8, 2015

HUD Publishes the National Housing Trust Fund Key Changes Between Proposed Rule and Interim Rule Chart

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD Publishes the National Housing Trust Fund Key Changes Between Proposed Rule and Interim Rule Chart HUD revised several provisions in the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) proposed rule and published an interim rule on January 30, 2015. The National Housing Trust Fund Key Changes Between Proposed Rule and Interim Rule Chart provides an overview of the key changes made to the HTF interim rule.

Housing Discrimination Because of HIV/AIDS is Illegal

​Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Housing Discrimination Because of HIV/AIDS is Illegal Persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) face a number of challenges that are often amplified by stigma and discrimination associated with the virus. To many, discrimination acts as a barrier to meeting basic needs such as shelter. HUD's Office of HIV/AIDS Housing , which administers the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program, and its Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity have collaborated to provide information on housing discrimination because of HIV/AIDS. We hope that by providing information about what constitutes housing discrimination because of HIV/AIDS and about how to file a complaint under the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act we can begin to reduce the number of instances of discrimination enco

Correction: Workshop on Opportunities and Strategies To Promote Behavior Change in Behavioral Health

--> Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser . Please note the corrected workshop title: Workshop: Opportunities and Strategies To Promote Behavior Change in Behavioral Health April 15, 2015 | 8:30 a.m.–4:45 p.m. Eastern Time Keck Center of the National Academies The National Research Council's Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences has convened an expert committee that will host a 1-day workshop on Opportunities and Strategies To Promote Behavior Change in Behavioral Health. Registration for this workshop is now open. The workshop will examine the role of intermediate and mediating variables that influence treatment-seeking behaviors and access to care, including: Socioeconomic barriers, social networks and institutions, and cultures, including the social norms, beliefs, and attitudes that are most amenable to positive change Strategies for ou

Rosalyn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism—Apply Now

--> Rosalyn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism—Apply Now The Carter Center is now accepting applications from U.S. residents for six 1-year journalism fellowships with the Carter Center's Mental Health Program. These fellowships aim to enhance public understanding of mental health issues and reduce stigma and discrimination against people with mental illnesses through balanced and accurate reporting. The 2015–2016 fellowship year begins in September 2015. Learn More About the Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism Submit an Application The deadline to apply is April 17, 2015. For questions, please call 404-420-5165 or email