
Showing posts from October 16, 2014

HHS Releases Two Reports on How to Use Medicaid for Chronically Homeless including in PSH

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HHS Releases Two Reports on How to Use Medicaid for Chronically Homeless including in PSH The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) recently released two reports: A Primer on Using Medicaid for People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness and Tenants of Permanent Supportive Housing , and a companion document, Medicaid and Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless Individuals: Emerging Practices from the Field . Reviewing these two documents can help Continuum of Care (C

SNAPS In Focus: Youth Homelessness

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . SNAPS In Focus: Youth Homelessness This is one of the most important In Focus messages I think I will send out this year – on a topic that is both critical to our progress on ending homelessness and one that touches most of us on a deeply personal level. That makes for passionate discussion and action on the topic. Hopefully this message helps to clarify where we are and what we are doing on youth homelessness as we look towards the goal of ending the disgrace of youth homelessness by 2020. As a nation, we should be doing much more to end youth homelessness.