
Showing posts from July 14, 2014

[MARHMIS] Recordings of today's presentations

Afternoon MARHMIS members: First of all, I’d like to apologize - I neglected to record the entire meeting (I’m going to blame it on it being Monday); however, I did record the presentations from David Weathington and Kat Freeman, which was the bulk of our meeting today. Good stuff! Anyway, click this link for the recording: – if you are prompted to run a plug-in click “run” or “allow.” I’ve also attached the slides for your reference. Thanks again, David and Kat! Also, I think I may have mis-explained my notes during our discussion of the new information about translating the forthcoming tweaks to the new project type data element. Just to be clear, I’m going to state the info I have again. <![if !supportLists]> 1)       <![endif]>HUD will be allowing/ requiring (I’m unsure which) SSO projects to reclassify to fit the CoC program components during the upcoming GIW process (HUD w

[MARHMIS] RE: Vulnerability Index Tools for Coordinated Assessment/ Centralized Intake

Hi David, Your Way Home Montgomery County launched its centralized intake process in January 2014. We just completed a lot of six-month reporting, so we have a good amount of data and lessons learned to share. To answer your questions: <![if !supportLists]> ·          <![endif]>What kind of tool is your community using (Vendor developed and/or Community developed)? <![if !supportLists]> 1.        <![endif]>We are using the SPDAT (Service Prioritization and Decision Assistance Tool) to prioritize for housing services. We have had some successes and some challenges as a result of its implementation that I’d be happy to go over in more detail. <![if !supportLists]> 2.        <![endif]>We have found that we need to add questions regarding housing status on top of this assessment, but we don’t include it in the score. Originally we had recorded data on the housing status using the HUD categories but we’ve found that it isn’t detaile

[MARHMIS] Vulnerability Index Tools for Coordinated Assessment/ Centralized Intake

Good Morning All, Here in Chester County, Pennsylvania we have been operating under a Coordinated Assessment model for a little over a year and are interested in putting together a vulnerability tool to use in our system. We have been reviewing several vulnerability indexes throughout the nation and were wondering who in the MARHMIS community is using a vulnerability index or self sufficiency assessment tool and how the continuum is using the data to refer individuals and families to services and housing in the community. Below you will find bullet points of what we would like to find out about the tools your community is using currently. <![if !supportLists]> ·          <![endif]>What kind of tool is your community using (Vendor developed and/or Community developed)? <![if !supportLists]> ·          <![endif]>How many questions are used for assessment? (Is longer or short better; How detailed) <![if !supportLists]> ·          <!

SOAR Learning Community Call #3: Supporting Quality Applications

July 11, 2014 SOAR Learning Community Call #3 Supporting Quality Applications Tuesday, July 22, 2014 3:00-4:30pm EDT Register Now ! SOAR TA Center staff will offer successful models for quality review of SOAR assisted SSI/SSDI applications from around the country including use of the Application Review Rubric, MSR review, case review meetings, outcomes reports and the SOAR TA Center Liaisons. A guided activity will be completed to practice/review quality review skills. This call is intended for individuals who actively work on SOAR assisted SSI/SSDI applications or those who support or supervise SOAR trained case workers . The SOAR Learning Community Call Series focuses on the administrative aspects of running a SOAR program. The first two calls can be accessed on our website at : March 18 : Creating and Leading Steering Committees/Conducting Effective Meet

Register Today: Basically CDBG for State Grantees

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Register Today: Basically CDBG for State Grantees The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is pleased to announce the Basically CDBG Training for State Grantees . This training provides answers to common CDBG questions and highlights HUD's interpretation of key policy issues. Participants will learn : CDBG National Objectives & Eligible Activities Program Administration & Financial Management IDIS Performance Measurement & Reporting/Recordkeeping This 3-day training includes a combination of l

[MARHMIS] Westchester County RFP for HMIS Administrator

MARHMIS members, In order to assist Westchester County in ensuring that the CoC Partnership meets HUD’s requirements, the County is seeking consulting services for the operation, management, and coordination of the County’s HMIS.  The vendor that ultimately provides these services will commonly be referred to as the “HMIS Administrator.” As part of the Services, the HMIS Administrator will be responsible for managing and coordinating the ongoing support, training, reporting and project management needs of the HMIS based upon the requirements of HUD, the CoC Partnership’s compliance with HUD’s requirements, and the HMIS-related services the County requires for other appropriate programs serving the homeless. Requests for Clarification Due:                                                 July 15, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. Due Date:                                                                                   July 23, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. This RFP is also posted to the County’s