
Showing posts from August 7, 2017

Webinar – Special Population Series: Connecting Veterans with Disabilities to Employment

Webinar – Special Population Series: Connecting Veterans with Disabilities to Employment Tuesday Aug. 15 at 2:00 pm EDT The National Veterans Technical Assistance Center (NVTAC) is hosting the webinar “Connecting Veterans with Disabilities to Employment” on Tuesday, Aug. 15 at 2:00 pm EDT . Approximately one third of all veterans have a disability of some kind – physical and/or mental – with even higher rates for veterans of recent conflicts. Veterans with disabilities are less likely to be employed than their counterparts without disabilities. The employment outlook for homeless veterans is even worse given the complexity of employment barriers, including disabilities, they face. This webinar will discuss efforts at the federal level to promote employment for individuals with disabilities and explore the IPS Supported Employment and Customized Employment models for helping