Last Push for FY 2014 HUD Funding!

National Alliance to End Homelessness - Advocacy Update
January 8, 2014

Congress Finalizing FY 2014 HUD Funding

The federal funding process for fiscal year (FY) 2014 is widely expected to come to a close sometime next week. As such, Congress is working NOW to finalize funding levels for all federal programs, including the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants. These final negotiations offer us an opportunity to make one final push for at least $2.26 billion for HUD's McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants in FY 2014.

Here's what you can do:  
  1. Call your Senators and Representative(s) THIS WEEK and ask to speak to the person who handles housing issues. You can reach their offices by calling the congressional switchboard at 202.224.3121.
  2. Urge them to include at least $2.26 billion for HUD's McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants in the final FY 2014 funding legislation.   
    • You can use these talking points and the materials on this page to help you make your case for increased funding.  
  3. Let us know which office(s) you contacted or if you circulate this alert to your network!  
More Information
On December 26, the President signed into law a budget deal for FY 2014 and FY 2015, negotiated by congressional leaders, that eased sequestration for both years. The deal also set the topline federal spending level for FY 2014 at $1.012 trillion - more than the level set by the House, but far less than the level set by the Senate earlier in 2013.

With this new level, congressional appropriators have now set out to finalize FY 2014 funding legislation in the form of an omnibus (combining all federal funding bills into one piece of legislation). This means they have to rework many of the funding bills each chamber released in mid-2013 to fit within this new topline spending number.

These recent negotiations offer us what will likely be the last opportunity to make a big push for increased funding for HUD's McKinney programs for FY 2014. Particularly following the cuts in the FY 2013 NOFA that will be implemented over the next few months, it is critically important that we receive at least $2.26 billion for the Homeless Assistance Grants in FY 2014 to recoup losses and continue making progress preventing and ending homelessness in America.


Homeless Assistance Needs an Increase

Investing in Our Future

NOFA Webinar Recording

The Alliance works collaboratively with its local, state, and national partners to advance policies and programs that prevent and end homelessness.

Kate Seif 
Policy Outreach Coordinator 

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