HUD Releases New FAQs on the CoC Program and the Applicability of "Family" in Equal Access Rule on Recipients of ESG and CoC Program Funding

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD Exchange Mailing List

HUD Releases New FAQs on the CoC Program and the Applicability of "Family" in Equal Access Rule on Recipients of ESG and CoC Program Funding

New CoC Program FAQs

HUD continues to receive many important questions from communities regarding the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program through the HUD Exchange Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. HUD has posted new CoC Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to the CoC Program FAQs page on the HUD Exchange.
Questions addressed include:
  • Why mainstream benefits paid directly to program participants are not considered match in the CoC Program
  • Why program income is not considered match in the CoC Program
  • What is considered leverage in the CoC Program
  • Documentation requirements for cash and in-kind match (goods, equipment, and services) in the CoC Program
  • The minimum requirements of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the CoC Program
  • Public housing agencies (PHA) using CoC Program rental assistance funds on behalf of a program participant residing in a unit that a PHA owns
For questions not answered by existing FAQs, please submit your question through the HUD Exchange AAQ portal. On Step 2 under 'My question is related to', select 'CoC: Continuum of Care Program.'
As a reminder, HUD is resolving the backlog of questions submitted to the CoC Program AAQ that have yet to receive a response. Due to the high volume of questions currently in queue, please do not expect a quick response. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
HUD will be releasing more CoC Program FAQs in the coming months.

Applicability of the Term "Family" in HUD's Equal Access Rule on Recipients of ESG and CoC Program Funding

HUD has also posted a FAQ on the applicability of the Term "Family" in HUD's Equal Access Rule on Recipients of ESG and CoC Program Funding under the ESG FAQs page and the CoC Program FAQs page. In February 2012, HUD issued the Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs – Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity Final Rule (Equal Access Rule), which applies to all McKinney-Vento-funded programs, as well as to other housing assisted or insured by HUD. The rule creates a new regulatory provision that generally prohibits providers from considering a person's marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity (a person's internal sense of being male or female) in making homeless housing assistance available. The FAQ is as follows:
How is the definition of 'family' that was included in the Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs – Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity apply to recipients and subrecipients of ESG and CoC Program funds?

View the FAQ answer.
In the coming months, HUD will be issuing additional guidance on how recipients of ESG and CoC Program funding can be in compliance with the Equal Access Rule, which will be sent out via listserv and posted to the HUD Exchange.
If you have questions about the rule, you may submit a question to