RSVP REQUIRED: APR & HMIS Refresher for Housing Providers (ES, TH, PSH), 8/6, 11am - 1pm

We are conducting an APR review and HMIS refresher training for our Baltimore County HMIS housing providers at our office.

Please carefully review the notes below, and RSVP via the Support Portal at our site by 7/25/14.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact Sam Just 410-887-5968.  Thank you!

  1. REFRESHER: for existing HMIS users only.  NO new users.  Attendees that do not comply may be asked to leave.  
  2. PROVIDER TYPESfor housing providers that use ShelterPoint in HMIS for ES, TH, or PSH.  NO RRH, NO Shelter Case Mgmt, No Outreach, etc.  Attendees that do not comply may be asked to leave.  
  3. TIMELINESS: all attendees are expected to arrive on time.  Attendees that do not comply may be asked to leave.  
  4. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: all attendees must turn off their electronic devices during training.  You may use your electronic devices during our 15 minute break.  Attendees that do not comply may be asked to leave.
  5. RSVP REQUIRED: please RSVP via the Support Portal at our site by 7/25/14.  If you wish to attend via conference call, please specify on our Support Portal.  Attendees that do not comply, may be asked to leave.

NOTE: We will conduct HMIS "New User Trainings" and "Refresher Trainings" for other program types shortly.   


Jason Burns, MCSE
Office: (410) 887-5968