HUD Releases Point-in-Time Mobile Application

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

HUD Releases Point-in-Time Mobile Application

HUD has released a Point-in-Time (PIT) mobile app to assist communities with conducting their 2015 PIT counts. This tool is completely optional but HUD encourages communities to take advantage of it to facilitate an effective count.
Communities choosing to use the mobile app can experience a more effective way of collecting data by allowing electronic, real-time data collection and quality assessment. Data collected through the mobile app can be more consistent and more easily integrated with HMIS data for analysis and reporting by decreasing the chance of errors and reducing data entry requirements after the PIT count is completed.
The PIT mobile app has been designed to capture quality, consistent data for the PIT. The app captures the GPS location coordinates for each survey conducted to assist CoCs in understanding where within their community’s unsheltered individuals and families are encountered, providing valuable information for deployment of services. The surveys in the mobile app reflect the model surveys recently published by HUD and include six surveys:
  • Individual and Household Unsheltered surveys
  • Individual and Household Observation surveys
  • Individual and Sheltered surveys
To utilize the mobile app, local communities must set up a backend place (a data store) to receive their data from the mobile app. Submitted data will not rest with or be transmitted to HUD or third parties associated with HUD – it will remain with the local communities. Guidance will be provided to assist communities in assessing their options for setting up the data store.

The PIT mobile app is designed to operate on Android and Apple mobile devices. It can be downloaded to mobile devices from HUD PIT Mobile App - Google Play (for Android devices) or HUD PIT Mobile App - App Store (for Apple devices) or by searching for “HUD Point In Time” in either the play store apps or with a browser. 

Communities wishing to learn more about the mobile app or wishing to use the app for the 2015 PIT count should submit a request for assistance through the Ask A Question (AAQ) portal of the HUD Exchange. Select HDX Homelessness Data Exchange (Including PIT, HIC and AHAR) for the Reporting System under My question is related to (Step 2), then type PIT MOBILE APP under Please provide a subject line for your question, before adding your full question or requesting additional information. Further information and resources will be made available through the HUD Exchange shortly.