Mark Brown Wins
Housing Champion Award
Metropolitan Tenants Organization will present
Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Mark Brown with the award on May 11
Working City: The Atlantic Forum on Urban Progress
The Atlantic presents this free webcast co-sponsored by the Citi Foundation and Low Income Investment Fund.
May 7
2:00 p.m. EST
The Resilience Dividend
Join SPUR for a conversation about how communities, companies and cities are building the capacity to recover after catastrophes.
May 7
6:00 p.m. PST
SPUR Urban Center
San Francisco
Sustainable Investing: Risk, Value, Impact! This event offers a unique opportunity to network with leaders of the sustainable, responsible and impact investing community, and to learn about new approaches, trends and policy developments in the field.
May 4- May 6
Chicago, IL
Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference
The Center for Community Progress conference will be held in Detroit, Michigan on May 19-21
From Rooflines, the Shelterforce Blog
Affordable Housing Strikes Back
Has George Lucas discovered the ultimate anti-NIMBY weapon? More
Are We Part of the Baltimore Problem?
Is our mission as a field/movement to clean things up and calm things down, or is our mission community ownership, equity, and justice? More
Can Calling Attention to Gentrification Make Things Worse?
When "whites only" stickers appeared on some Austin businesses it was supposed to be an art project decrying the effects of gentrification. But instead... More
A Bigger, Better Vision for the Left
It's as if the left has ripped a page from the Tea Party's playbook... More
What If We Paid Housing Authorities What It Actually Costs to
Administer Housing Vouchers?
It would be better than sequestration-level budgets, but would the new calculations take into account what's needed to enable true mobility? More
Not on the Streets, But Still Homeless
Just because you don't see a vet begging on the street corner doesn't mean homelessness isn't a problem. Here's why... More
Verification Handbook
A definitive guide to verifying digital content for emergency coverage.
Authored by leading journalists from the BBC, Storyful, ABC, Digital First Media and other verification experts, the Verification Handbook is a groundbreaking new resource for journalists and aid providers. (and organizers too!) It provides the tools, techniques and step-by-step guidelines for how to deal with user-generated content (UGC) during emergencies.
Development Without Displacement
From the Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities
"New development may be positive in many Philadelphia neighborhoods, but the city cannot allow development to proceed unchecked."
Q: Are manufactured homes a bad form of affordable housing?
A: Not any more!
Since 1976, manufactured homes have been built to a federal HUD code that ensures the same safety and quality standards as stick-built homes. In addition, many new manufactured homes are being built to high energy efficiency standards...
Read more and download The Answer here!
Opportunity Finance Network
Philadelphia, PA
The essential functions of the position are to design methods to collect primary data from CDFIs, including financial performance, portfolio activity and performance, and community outcomes. Clean survey data, conduct data analyses, develop and undertake issue-focused research based on OFN's primary data as well as other data, and disseminate findings to broad audiences.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
New York, NY
The Bank's Outreach and Education Function engages, empowers, and educates the public in the Second District. Our outreach mission furthers the Bank's commitment to the region by listening to the communities we serve and leveraging our unique attributes to positively impact them.
Transit Equity Network/Gamaliel
Housing Assistance Council
Regional Housing Legal Services
USC Price School of Public Policy
HOPE Credit Union
Burlington Associates
Democracy Collaborative
Columbia University
Tufts University
Fund for Public Schools
Planner, Louisa County, Va.
National CAPACD
Opportunity Agenda
National Housing Institute
Housing Assistance Council
Independent CLT consultant
ACLU Maryland
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Housing Assistance Council
Appalachian State University
San Francisco Community
Land Trust
Shelterforce Weekly
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