How Housing Matters Survey and America in 2015, June 23 at 2pmParticipate in a virtual conversation to discuss findings from the How Housing Matters Survey and America in 2015 . Learn more here.
State of the Nation's Housing 2015-Live WebcastThis year's report provides a current assessment of the state of housing markets for both rental and homeownership, and will be presented in a live webcast on June 24 at 12pm ET. Learn more here.
Special Briefing on Housing and Student Debt with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, June 24 at 2pm ET.
Listen to this briefing on what cities can do to create permanent affordable housing and support debt-free college. Hosted by the Center for Popular Democracy. To register, click here.
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What's Missing from Current Immigrant Integration Services?
By Noel Poyo, NALCAB
Help learning English and navigating pathways to legal residency are crucial, but not sufficient . . . More
From Rooflines, the Shelterforce Blog
California Beats Back Attack on Inclusionary Housing
By Rick Jacobus, Cornerstone Partnership
The real estate development industry has tried for decades to limit the reach of inclusionary housing. But in a surprisingly strong decision, the California Supreme Court has dealt them a severe blow. Here are their arguments. . . More
Affordable Housing Field: Watch Your Language!
By Amy Clark, National Housing Conference
Why do so many people believe the government can't help the affordable housing crisis? Could it be the way we're talking about it? . . . More
You've Got Fresh Food, Now What Do You Do with it?
By Sarah McMackin, Oldways
Thanks to many people's hard work, there are increasingly grocery stores and farmers markets in some places that were once food deserts. But is that enough to get neighborhood residents eating more fresh food? A small project with a unique approach is expanding and stirring the pot. . . More
Big Sky, Big Opportunity? By Doug Ryan, CFED Montana has some interesting statistics, and conditions on the ground, regarding the state of manufactured housing. The rest of the country should be paying attention. . . More
Second Edition of Land Banks and Land Banking, from the Center for Community Progress
This second edition builds on the legacy of the first, which was released in 2011 and helped to shape multiple state land bank enabling laws while impacting the operations of land banks nationwide, and features new research and insights for practitioners and policy-makers. Download the report here.
Transit Equity Network/Gamaliel
Regional Housing Legal Services
USC Price School of Public Policy
HOPE Credit Union
Burlington Associates
Democracy Collaborative
Housing Partnership Network
Columbia University
Tufts University
Fund for Public Schools
Planner, Louisa County, Va.
National CAPACD
Cornerstone Partnership
Opportunity Agenda
National Housing Institute
Housing Assistance Council
ACLU Maryland
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
George Washington Univesity
Housing Assistance Council
Appalachian State University
San Francisco Community
Land Trust