Announcement: Vets@Home Technical Assistance Opportunity
As established in Opening Doors, the goal of ending veteran homelessness by December 31, 2015 is getting close. HUD is launching Vets@Home, a technical assistance (TA) initiative to help Continuums of Care (CoCs) meet this goal.
Beginning immediately, any CoC may receive TA through the Vets@Home initiative. To do so, a CoC should submit a TA request through the HUD Exchange’s Request Technical Assistance form. HUD will provide all CoCs requesting TA though Vets@Home with remote TA. HUD will provide more intensive and tailored TA to some CoCs based on 2015 Point-in-Time (PIT) count data, as well as information provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Requesting Vets@Home TA
After registering to create an account, log in to the site to request the TA. Specify “Vets@Home Technical Assistance Request” in the subject line and select “CoC: Continuum of Care Program” under “Organization Type.” In the box for “Overall Need for Technical Assistance,” describe the activities related to ending veterans’ homelessness that your community would benefit from the most.
Vets@Home TA Activities
Examples of activities for which technical assistance could be provided are:
- Using data and analytics to identify veteran populations and local needs, measurable system goals, and develop or improve a prioritization and placement strategy to meet needs and goals
- Expediting and scaling up housing search, targeting, and placement capacity
- Reducing timelines for placing veterans in Veterans Administration and HUD permanent housing projects, including supportive housing opportunities. This includes expanding access to affordable permanent housing via more effective use of resources such as Rapid Re-Housing assistance, HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, and Public Housing Agency preferences
- Identifying resources for veterans who are unable to receive VA health or housing services
- Creating a by-name list of all homeless veterans within the CoC
CoCs Participating in the Zero: 2016, 25 Cities, or HUD Priority Communities TA Initiatives
CoCs Participating in the Zero: 2016, 25 Cities, or HUD Priority Communities TA Initiatives should first work with their current HUD TA provider to make adjustments to the existing TA work plan. To obtain contact information for the lead TA provider, please submit a request to the CoC Program Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the CoC Program AAQ portal, select “CoC Program” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process.
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