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Are Poor People to Blame?
By Miriam Axel-Lute, Shelterforce
Periodically, we all need to be reminded that this movement started in order to achieve justice, not to extend charity or moralizing, and having had that reminder, to reexamine our programs and our philosophies for drift. Recently I have read two searing articles that I think everyone should read, closely. . . More
Fair Housing's Giant Two Steps Forward
By Alan Jenkins, The Opportunity Agenda
The need for strong fair housing protections was powerfully illustrated just last week, when a four-year investigation by the DOJ found that Los Angeles County housing officials, sheriff's deputies, and local agencies had worked together to drive black residents out of Lancaster and Palmdale, California. . . . More
The Puzzle of Turning Vision to Action
By Laurie Goldman, Tufts University
Taking the vision of a diverse community and translating it into actionable steps--in the course of a fast-paced development process--is like assembling a puzzle when key pieces are missing and need to be created. So how do you start? . . . More

Manufactured Housing Industry and Advocates: Work Together!
By Doug Ryan, CFED
It's clear that part of the strategy to advance the legislative measure to gut CFPB rules is to attack organizations that oppose the bill, such as mine, as ill-informed or as somehow opposed to consumers and manufactured housing. Here's the truth. . . More
I disagree that Dukmasova's piece in Slate is anything more than tired old rhetoric. She misses the boat in describing concerns about the concentrated poverty caused by segregation as being "cultural." Nor is it about blaming the poor or deconcentrating people. Before it was co-opted by the affordable housing industry for programs like HOPE VI and twisted by leftist academics, "deconcentration" originally meant. . . --Barbara Samuels on We Know Whose Fault Poverty Is--So Why Do Our Terms Blame the Poor?
This was a fine article! So much good info and perspective-and so readable! CDCs need to come to the rail. No humour intended! --Stewart E. Perry on Affordable Housing Advocates Need to be Strong TOD Advocates
Director of Real Estate
Denver, CO
This position will establish, maintain and nurture effective relationships with brokers, development partners, lenders, foundations, nonprofit partners, and representatives of local, state and federal government agencies, and other community constituents, as appropriate. . . More
Transit Equity Network/Gamaliel
Housing Assistance Council
Regional Housing Legal Services
USC Price School of Public Policy
HOPE Credit Union
Burlington Associates
Democracy Collaborative
Columbia University
Tufts University
Fund for Public Schools
Planner, Louisa County, Va.
National CAPACD
Opportunity Agenda
Tulane University
National Housing Institute
Habitat for Humanity
ACLU Maryland
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
San Francisco Community
Land Trust