Guidance for e-snaps Users: Issues with Post Award Processing of CoC Program Grants and APR Visibility

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Guidance for e-snaps Users: Issues with Post Award Processing of CoC Program Grants and APR Visibility

The e-snaps system was recently updated to a more modern architectural platform to address IT security concerns. There are a few known issues impacting Continuum of Care (CoC) Program grants which HUD is currently working to resolve. Please see the instructions below on how to proceed with each issue until system resolutions are in place. The issues are:

Post Award Processing of CoC Program Grants

  • Visibility of all post award steps submitted in e-snaps: After an award has been made, the project proceeds through a series of “steps” in e-snaps as it is processed to be a grant agreement. With the upgrade in e-snaps, these steps, in most cases, are not currently visible after a recipient’s submission of the issues and conditions (c1.9a) or grant agreement amendment (c1.9b). Also, steps amended back from the HUD field office to the recipient may not be visible to the field office and/or recipient. In all these cases the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) suggests:
    • If it is solely a visibility issue (e.g., the submitted step is no longer visible, but no changes to be made are remaining), please wait until the system issue is resolved to restore visibility.
    • If the recipient cannot see the step needed to update and submit the correction or to cure a condition, please submit a request for assistance to the e-snaps Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the e-snaps AAQ portal, select “e-snaps” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process.
  • The "Export to PDF" function does not work: Please wait until the system issue is resolved.

Annual Performance Report (APR) visibility in e-snaps

In many cases APRs are not visible to the field office after the APR, or its review step, has been submitted. Also, APRs amended back to the recipient may not be visible to the field office and/or the recipient. Where these system problems cause APR submissions by recipients to be 90 days late or more, LOCCS drawdowns will not be held up. In such cases, HUD field offices have been instructed to allow recipients to draw grant funds even after the APR due date, until the technical problem in e-snaps has been corrected.

HUD is working diligently on resolving all of these issues and we will send notifications as soon as these issues are resolved in the system. Thank you for your patience and consideration.

Norm Suchar
Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs