In May 2016,
Frontiers in Public Health published an
evaluation of the SOAR online training model, which assessed SOAR Online Course usage from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015. The study focused on the unique integration of a practice SSI/SSDI application into the training,
the first of its kind in public health online trainings, and the support provided by local and state SOAR leads.
The evaluation,
SOAR Online Course Increases Capacity for Assisting Individuals with Disabilities in the US, was co-authored by Kristin Lupfer, SOAR TA Center Director, and Jen Elder, National Policy and Partnerships Coordinator, both of Policy Research Associates, Inc.
study found that successful course completions were most concentrated in areas that had local SOAR leaders, trainees through the online course had higher data entry rates for case outcomes in the SOAR Online Application Tracking system, and that trainees reported a high satisfaction rate with the course and comprehensive feedback provided. The evaluation included data mapping of course enrollments, completions, and locations of SOAR leads - check out the data from your state!
The article is
free to access and we encourage you to share this with your SOAR providers and partners. Stay tuned for a
blog next week with key findings from the evaluation!