Homelessness Update: Veteran homelessness cut nearly in half since 2010

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Veteran homelessness cut nearly in half since 2010
Thanks to the commitment of federal, state, and local partners, the Obama Administration has announced that communities have decreased veteran homelessness by 47% since 2010! Between January 2015 and January 2016 alone veteran homelessness decreased 17% — quadruple the previous year’s decline.
COC leads: due date for funding applications is around the corner
Do you know what new questions were added to this year's Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)? Have you reviewed your fidelity to housing first principles? Do you have a Resource Allocation Strategy?

Download our resources to help ensure your application qualifies for the most points possible.
Using the Housing Choice Voucher Program to End Chronic Homelessness
The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) is one of the best ways communities can help people experiencing chronic homelessness afford and maintain rental housing of their choice. This new e-book from the Technical Assistance Collaborative will walk you through how you can use HCV to end chronic homelessness in your community.
alliance events
Rapid Re-Housing Lessons from Montgomery County
Thursday, August 18, 1 p.m.
Learn how Your Way Home in Montgomery County, PA is leveraging public and private resources to advance key elements of their housing crisis response system, including coordinated entry, diversion, and rapid re-housing.
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
We've made progress with Congress, let's keep the drumbeat going
by Steve Berg
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The Alliance and True Colors Fund announce the National Youth Forum on Homelessness
by naehblog
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Newly signed law is an important step in ending opioid epidemic
by Noëlle Porter
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The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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