HUD Releases Revising IDIS Vouchers for the ESG Program Webinar

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

HUD Releases Revising IDIS Vouchers for the ESG Program Webinar

The Revising IDIS Vouchers for the ESG Program webinar is the second of three webinars designed to provide an overview of how recipients can use IDIS for effective financial management of their Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program. This presentation builds upon the Emergency Solutions Grants Program: Using IDIS for Financial Management webinar and provides more in depth guidance about using IDIS data for ESG financial management, specifically reviewing how to revise vouchers and use the PR-91 ESG Subrecipient Vouchers Report.


If you have questions about the ESG Program or IDIS, please submit them through the HUD Exchange Ask a Question (AAQ) portal. On Step 2 of the question submission process, select “ESG” or “IDIS” in the “My question is related to” dropdown.
ESG recipients are also encouraged to reference the following resources to assist them with financial management of the ESG Program: