NHSDC Youth Privacy Summit

NHSDC Youth Privacy Summit
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Youth Privacy Summit
October 12, 2016
New Orleans, LA
NHSDC and the National Network for Youth (NN4Y) are convening The Youth Privacy Summit, a gathering of service providers, educators, justice administrators, and federal/state/local policy makers to formally document barriers to collecting accurate and timely information from young people experiencing homelessness.  As recent successes in ending veterans’ homelessness have shown, measuring the problem is a prerequisite to solving it.
The complex intersection of privacy protections, emergency needs, and community goals creates a challenging environment for service providers to collect eligibility information, service needs, and connect unaccompanied minors to life-saving services.  Often outreach workers and social workers are confronted with a choice between serving a youth or documenting their interaction.
NHSDC has a history of creating forums for policy makers, service providers, and data experts to navigate complex challenges. Solving the critical problems that put young people on the street without access to resources requires contributions from a variety of experts.  NHSDC is partnering with NN4Y to bring together the best group of people to define the problem.
NN4Y mobilizes the collective power and expertise of our national community to influence public policy and strengthen effective responses to youth homelessness. NN4Y has been a critical partner assisting communities resolve challenges consolidating HMIS and RHYMIS. This unique forum will gather an inventory of barriers to collecting information both for use in understanding youth homelessness, and more importantly, as an essential activity to connecting individual youth with service providers.
This discussion is a necessary step to overcome the barriers that contribute to youth homelessness in the United States.  The goal of the Summit is to create a clear articulation of the problem to allow for continued progress measuring and ending youth homelessness.  NHSDC and NN4Y are committed to this goal and believe this Summit will be the next step in that process.
To register please go to the Registration Page.  Space is extremely limited.  This event precedes NHSDC’s Fall Conference in New Orleans.