Bowman Systems NewsFlash: AHAR Updates Applied 11/23/2016

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AHAR Fixes Applied on 11/23/16

We have applied a database function update for the AHAR Report submission. This does not require an upgrade and is live on your site now provided you are on version 5.12.24 or higher.
Please note that per HUD: "The deadline for final submission of 2016 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) data for All Persons and Veterans has been extended to Thursday, December 8, 2016, at 11:59 PM PST to accommodate the need for data resubmissions in response to changes to Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Emergency Shelter (ES) canned reports. Please keep an eye out for possible vendor announcements about patch releases and the need to resubmit some of your data.
The deadline for confirming your community's final AHAR data for All Persons and Veterans is also extended to Monday, December 12, 2016, at 11:59 PM PST."
The following updates have been applied to all ServicePoint sites that are on 5.12.24 or higher:
  • Emergency Shelters coded as Night-by-Night have coding changes to account for differences in counts for actual night in shelter. These include changes to Bed Utilization, Length of Stay and Point in Time Counts.
  • Project inclusion for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). The PSH shells will be limited to PSH only, removing other non-required PH types.
  • Disability Types will remove "Chronic Health Condition" from "Missing."
 These updates are a result of recent clarifications from HUD. Please note that you may need to request your Abt Liason re-open table shells that are already marked "Complete".
Please contact your CSS if you have any questions.
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