SSVF Program Update October 31, 2016

Hi Team,

Please review the latest SSVF Program Update.

Thanks so much!


From: Foley, Sandra
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 2:58 PM
To: Foley, Sandra
Subject: SSVF Program Update October 31, 2016


1.     Reminder: SSVF Gap Analysis
2.     Reminder: Grantee Action Required in GIFTS
3.     Reminder: Final HHS Account Transfer
4.     SSVF East Coast Launch Event November 15-16, 2016
5.     Save the Date:  National Webinar November, 17, 2016 at 2:00PM EST

Reminder: SSVF Gap Analysis

As part of the FY 17 Grant Resolution process, the SSVF Program Office has asked grantees to work with their local community planning partners and complete the SSVF Gap Analysis. Instructions can be found within the Resolution Companion Guide and also on the SSVF University Community Coordination and Planning webpage. Please note that grantees are required to submit this SSVF-specific Gap Analysis tool rather than the VA Gap Analysis tool, as the CoC data elements are necessary for our assessments.

The Gaps Analysis Tool is posted on the SSVF University, which is due November 14, 2016:  Please send the Gaps Analysis tool to your SSVF Regional Coordinator.

Reminder: Grantee Action Required in GIFTS:

Grantees are reminded that action is required in the grants management system (GIFTS).  Please refer to the October 14, 2016 SSVF Program Update for complete details.  The requirements are as follows:

FY 2016 Closeout:

Priority 1 Grantees are required to complete the FY 16 4th Quarter Certification requirement. For all other SSVF grantees with renewal grant terms that ended on 9/30/16, including extended grants, the online GIFTS requirement form is now.  Refer to the Companion Guides for assistance with completing the requirement.

FY 2017 Grant Resolution:

Grantees can now access the FY 2017 Resolution Requirement form within their GIFTS user account.  Deadline for submission is close of business on Monday, November 14, 2016.

Access the SSVF GIFTS portal at


Please be reminded that HHS Subaccount Transfers will be processed on the 1st and 15th of October, November and December 2016. Grantees that require a final transfer of funds among the HHS subaccounts in order to complete the grant close must use HHS Subaccount Template to prepare the transfer request.  Submit this form to your Regional Coordinator for review and processing.  Please do not submit to the SSVF general inbox.  To avoid denials of the subaccount transfer requests, please access your HHS grant account within the Payment Management System and carefully review the authorized subaccount balances, as any Program Changes granted throughout the year may have resulted in changes to these authorized balances.  If you have questions about how to complete the template or verify your authorized subaccount balances (prior to submitting your request) please contact your Regional Coordinator.  The template is available at

SSVF East Coast Launch Event November15-16, 2016

Registration is now OPEN for the FY 2017 SSVF Launch Event to be held on November 15th - 16th in Atlanta, GA. Invited Grantees are expected to arrive on November 14th in order to begin promptly on November 15th.  This year's Launch Event will take place at the Sheraton Atlanta Airport, 1900 Sullivan Road, Atlanta, Georgia. Grantees should first register using the Eventbrite link that was emailed to each agency's GIFT account contacts.  You will receive a Confirmation email once you register. You may book flights once you receive this Registration Confirmation. Then, you will receive a logistics email within one week that includes specific hotel information and a link for reserving space within the Room Block. Please wait to receive this link before booking your hotel. Note: space in the room block is limited. Additional capacity will be made available at a neighboring hotel once the Sheraton room block is full.

All SSVF grantees may send two staff members to the event, per grant award. The primary target audience is Program Directors and Organizational Leaders who are responsible for community-level coordination and overall SSVF program operations. Based on feedback from last year's Launch, grantees may also invite one leader or key stakeholder from their Continuum of Care - this individual would count toward the limit of two attendees per award. The costs associated with bringing a CoC leader are eligible costs under the SSVF training/travel budget.

If your agency did not receive an invitation for the EAST COAST event, you are slated to attend the WEST COAST event and will receive a separate invitation to register (and respective confirmation with hotel reservation link) once that information is ready for distribution.

Save the Date National Webinar November 17, 2016 2:00 PM EST

SSVF Monitoring Visits

The SSVF National Grantee Webinar on November 17 will provide an overview of the SSVF Monitoring Process and how grantees can prepare for the Annual Monitoring Visit.  Registration link will be provided.

Thank you,

SSVF Program Office

NOTE:  If you are receiving this email in error, please disregard.  We request your patience as the SSVF Program Office continues to address system issues with the grants management database.