SSVF Program Update February 3, 2017

Hi Team,

I hope that you had a nice weekend. Below, please find Friday's Program Update. There are a few items that I am going to highlight below. These highlights should not replace your very thorough read of the actual Program Update. Our next regional call will be on February 14th at 2pm EST. An invite has been sent. Please forward any items that you would like to include on the agenda.

·         REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar on February 9th, 2017 at 2:00PM EST : Audit Guidelines, Fraud Prevention, Reporting and Compliance
o   This is absolutely mandatory. You must have at least 1 staff member participate in this webinar.

·         NEW: SSVF Regional Meeting Travel Expense Guidance
o   This is enhanced information from the regional meeting information that you may have received. Please read it carefully in particular the section related to VA travel.
o   Please note that for our region, not all grantees have been invited. If you have been invited, you already received registration information. If you have questions, please let me know.

·         NEW: SSVF Participant Telephone Survey Update
o   Last week, MDavisCo emailed each grantee the attached letter. Please note, this attachment was not included in the Program Update since it was sent individually to grantees; I attached it for your reference.
o   This information is extremely important and should be shared with all staff registering Veterans for the survey.
o   All Veterans should be registered for the survey at exit only (within 30 days).
o   The primary method for survey completion is online (computer or smart phone via text message).
o   If a Veteran is unable to complete the survey online, they can use the phone option for a live interview (implemented on 1/3/17).
o   It is critical that grantees register Veterans because they will receive a unique registration number that is used for the online option or the phone option.
o   Grantees SHOULD NOT give Veterans the id number that was listed on the national webinar slides. This was only a sample.
o   If you have questions or need to speak to someone regarding the SSVF Consumer Survey, please email
o   If you would like to refer to the recorded webinar including information on the Consumer Survey, please click here:

·         REMINDER: Voluntary vs. Mandatory Return of SSVF Grant Funds
·         Per the grant agreement between VA and SSVF grantees, the SSVF Program Office will recoup funds from grantees who are not meeting the minimum expenditure rates.  This is the first year mandatory returns will be implemented.  However, the SSVF Program Office has elected to waive this process for first quarter of FY17.  The grant agreement (MOA) describes that, after each quarter, grantees are required to have a minimum percentage of funds drawn from the HHS Payment Management System; 1st quarter – 15% or more; 2nd quarter – 40% or more; 3rd quarter – 65% or more.  The SSVF Program Office is currently developing the procedures for how this will be completed and will inform grantees as soon as possible.  In the meantime, please review your grant expenditures and your projected spending for the remainder of the grant year. The first mandatory return of funds will take place immediately following the end of the 2nd quarter (April). If you have questions about this new process for FY2017, please contact your Regional Coordinator.

·         RESOURCE: HUD releases New Guidance to Help Communities Strengthen Implementation of Coordinated Entry 

o   HUD has published additional guidance on Coordinated Entry. We will review this information together during our Regional Call.

Have a great week!

Thanks so much!


-----Original Message-----
From: SSVF Program Office []
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 9:41 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] SSVF Program Update February 3, 2017


1.            REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar on February 9th, 2017 at 2:00PM EST : Audit Guidelines, Fraud Prevention, Reporting and Compliance
2.            NEW: SSVF Regional Meeting Travel Expense Guidance
3.            NEW: SSVF Participant Telephone Survey Update
4.            REMINDER: Voluntary vs. Mandatory Return of SSVF Grant Funds
5.            RESOURCE: HUD releases New Guidance to Help Communities Strengthen Implementation of Coordinated Entry 
6.            Reminder: SSVF NOFA Applications Due TODAY: February 3, 2017 at 4pm EST!

REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar on February 9th, 2017 at 2:00PM EST

Title: Audit Guidelines, Fraud Prevention, Reporting and Compliance

The webinar reviews key areas assessed during financial audits and highlights strategies for preventing fraud, waste and abuse of grant funds. Compliance staff and auditors will discuss requirements for reporting potential allegations of fraudulent activity to VA. This webinar will be included as an updated version to the existing SSVF Grantee Orientation Guide and should be reviewed on an annual basis by all SSVF staff. Please register here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

NEW:  SSVF Regional Meeting Travel Expense Guidance

SSVF grantees should not be using grant funds to pay for VA staff travel. In order to attend any SSVF supported training, VA staff must go through the appropriate VA approval process. SSVF grantees can continue to support the travel of key stakeholders, such as CoC leads, when the SSVF program office has indicated that their attendance at a SSVF sponsored event in permitted. If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Coordinator or email

NEW:  SSVF Participant Telephone Survey Update

As of 1/3/17, if Veterans are unable to take the SSVF Participant Survey via internet or smart phone, they have the opportunity to take the survey over the telephone with a live interviewer.  All Veterans still need to be registered within 30 days of exit using your organization's link.  When you register a Veteran, you will receive a unique registration number for each Veteran.  This number should be given to the Veteran if he/she plans to take the survey by phone.  When the Veteran calls, he/she will be asked for this unique registration number that will allow the survey response to be linked to your organization.  The Veteran ID # on the slide in the webinar was only an example.  DO NOT GIVE THIS NUMBER TO VETERANS.   Again, each Veteran will have a unique registration number created at the time of registration into the survey system.

Question regarding the SSVF Participant Surveys should be sent to (staff will respond within 24 hours) or call 215-790-8900 ext. 132.   If you need to leave a message, someone will return your call by the next business day.

REMINDER: Voluntary vs. Mandatory Return of SSVF Grant Funds

During the current grant year, FY 2017, the SSVF Program Office is implementing two methods for recouping unspent grant funds in order to maximize the use of SSVF resources and redistribute to other areas of high need.  The first method is the voluntary return of SSVF grant funds.  Within the 1st and 2nd quarter certification forms, grantees have the opportunity to identify their interest in returning funds that will not be spent by the end of the grant year.  Those who indicate "yes" to this question will receive a separate GIFTS requirement requesting details about the interest in returning of funds.

The second method for recouping unused grant funds is the mandatory return of unspent grant funds. Per the grant agreement between VA and SSVF grantees, the SSVF Program Office will recoup funds from grantees who are not meeting the minimum expenditure rates.  This is the first year mandatory returns will be implemented.  However, the SSVF Program Office has elected to waive this process for first quarter of FY17.  The grant agreement (MOA) describes that, after each quarter, grantees are required to have a minimum percentage of funds drawn from the HHS Payment Management System; 1st quarter – 15% or more; 2nd quarter – 40% or more; 3rd quarter – 65% or more.  The SSVF Program Office is currently developing the procedures for how this will be completed and will inform grantees as soon as possible.  In the meantime, please review your grant expenditures and your projected spending for the remainder of the grant year. The first mandatory return of funds will take place immediately following the end of the 2nd quarter (April). If you have questions about this new process for FY2017, please contact your Regional Coordinator.

RESOURCE:  HUD Releases New Guidance to Help Communities Strengthen Implementation of Coordinated Entry 

On January 23, 2017, HUD published a Notice Establishing Additional Requirements for a Continuum of Care (CoC) Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System. HUD has also published a Checklist of Essential Elements (the Checklist) to provide communities with a comprehensive list of coordinated entry requirements outlined in the Notice as well as additional recommended and optional policy considerations. HUD's Notice outlines the requirements around coordinated entry that Continuums of Care must be able to meet by January 23, 2018. HUD's Notice is available at:

REMINDER: SSVF NOFA Applications Due TODAY: February 3, 2017 at 4pm EST!
Any applications submitted after 4:00 PM eastern will NOT be accepted.

Thank you,

SSVF Program Office

NOTE:  If you are receiving this email in error, please disregard.  We request your patience as the SSVF Program Office continues to address system issues with the grants management database.