Important: SSVF Special Edition Program Update: Federal Criteria and Benchmarks

Hi Team,

I hope that you are having a great week. Please read this SSVF Special Program Update in detail. We look forward to having you join us on the USICH webinar on the updated Federal Criteria and Benchmarks tomorrow 3/9 at 2pm EDT (see registration link below). Additionally, attached, please find Questions to Consider as you review the webinar. Grantees should review the attachment prior to the webinar. If helpful, grantees could use the document to take notes during the webinar.

Thanks so much!


Adrienne Nash Melendez, MLD
Regional Coordinator
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Please note new email address:

-----Original Message-----
From: SSVF Program Office []
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 2:38 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Important: SSVF Special Edition Program Update: Federal Criteria and Benchmarks

It is the SSVF Program Office's expectation that all grantees have at least one representative participate in the USICH webinar on March 9th at 2pm EDT (see below).

SSVF and the Updated Federal Criteria and Benchmarks

The SSVF Program Office appreciates the work that CoCs, VAMCs, SSVF grantees, and community partners are doing to end Veteran homelessness. It is important to understand that the Federal Benchmarks and Criteria directly align with these efforts.  As stated in the FY18 SSVF NOFA, grantees are expected to demonstrate the adoption of evidenced-based practices that are most likely to lead to reductions in homelessness among Veterans and reach the minimum system standards defined by the Federal Criteria and Benchmarks. For communities that have received federal partner approval, the focus is on sustaining the gains that they have made. This includes a demonstration of sustainable systems, processes, and ongoing, data-driven evaluation. Additionally, grantees should be leaders or active partners in community planning efforts which include: coordinated entry and assessment activities, development and management of the master list/by name list, case conferencing, implementation of system wide Housing First practices, and outcome-focused community planning strategies that allocate resources based on projected demand.  Grantees are most familiar with this later piece through the SSVF Gaps Analysis Tool. Grantees are reminded that Executive Directors/CEOs were required to certify on behalf of the agency that they were actively participating in community planning efforts in the NOFA application.

Attached, please find  Questions to Consider while reviewing the webinar.

USICH March 9, 2017 Webinar (With Updated Registration Link)

As many have noted, the SSVF National Webinar scheduled for Thursday, March 9th at 2pm EDT is being held at the same time as USICH's Reviewing Clarifications to the Criteria and Benchmarks for Ending Veteran Homelessness.  Therefore, the SSVF Program Office will no longer host the national webinar and instead requests that grantees participate in USICH's webinar. 

The webinar will review the recently released clarifications ( to the criteria and benchmarks that define the vision for ending Veteran homelessness within communities. It will discuss how to use the criteria and benchmarks to align your local efforts, with a focus on long-term, lasting solutions. It will also talk about the process that is used for confirming your community's achievement of the goal.

Please note that the webinar link distributed prior to March 6th has changed. Therefore, registrants are required to re-register using the link above.

Thank you,

SSVF Program Office

NOTE:  If you are receiving this email in error, please disregard.  We request your patience as the SSVF Program Office continues to address system issues with the grants management database.