Preparing for the 2017 Continuum of Care Program NOFA

Preparing for the 2017 CoC Program NOFA?
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Preparing for the 2017 CoC Program NOFA

The Continuum of Care funding competition is coming soon, will you use this as an opportunity to improve your community’s homelessness system? Here are a few resources and learning opportunities we want you to know about.

Register for a webinar on Wednesday, May 31, at 2 pm ET that will help CoCs examine how they can use the NOFA process to drive long-term change and better serve the most vulnerable in their community.

This year’s CoC NOFA also includes a new opportunity for communities – a project type combining Transitional Housing and Rapid Re-Housing. Register for a webinar on Thursday, June 15 at 2 pm ET that will discuss how to evaluate if this is needed in your community and what populations might benefit from it.
Still have questions you need answered?  Are there topics you'd like to see us dig into in more detail.  Let us know.  Share your questions or your biggest NOFA challenge.

Bookmark our 2017 Continuum of Care NOFA Resource page and check back often for the latest tools and guidance to help CoCs prepare for the competition. 
Reallocation decisions can be difficult. Our resources on reallocating transitional housing and permanent supportive housing can help. 
Have you seen our resources on rapid re-housing? Check out our Rapid Re-Housing Works campaign to learn more about this intervention.

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National Alliance to End Homelessness
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Washington, DC 20005